I am connected & protected as I stand in the strength to speak up! Life is constantly asking us to speak up in a multitude of ways — big and small. We hold back to keep ourselves safe. Silence stacks against us through time if we deny our natural expression. The courage to speak up… sometimes can initially create chaos or discomfort. However, there is a magnanimous protection we are granted as we speak up with our sincere intentions of expression. Practice connecting stronger to your strength to speak up by letting this mantra steep into your soul!
Monday Mantra
Gifts of Grace Mantra
As I accept, I connect.. to generous gifts of grace! Today, and during the week pay attention to thoughts, feelings and situations that rise with resistance to avoid, deny or not accept “what is”. Repeat the mantra. Invite in the gifts of grace to transform and unlock stuck doors with new possibilities. Acceptance isn’t an act of settling for something unsatisfactory. Acceptance is an incredible act of fully connecting yourself with LIFE and all that is. Unlock your power, give yourself the gifts of grace by accepting and connecting.
Receiving Dreams Mantra
My willingness to receive sets my dreams free! Practice being willing to receive your dreams! Yes, take notice and become strongly aware of a new energy that you can bring to your day and life with complete willingness to receive your dreams! Have a wide open heart ready to receive your good, as you set your dreams free. Repeat the mantra over and over again all week, let your dreams live free and as you become fully willing to receive!
Nurturing Prosperity Mantra
My nurturing nature makes all I touch prosperous! It’s your nature to nurture… and all that is nurtured is powerfully and naturally aligned to thrive with prosperity. Touch your money stating this mantra, hold this intentional space with all interactions, invite body healing, boost your confidence and transmit transforming energy of good. Live in the thriving grace with your nurturing nature. Feel the nurturing nature all around you and coming through you. Transform prosperity into being with your touch.
Trust Mantra
I trust in my life… & It’s beautiful! The most powerful stance you can take today, tomorrow and always is to stand in the trust of your life. It holds the magic to move mountains. It’s the cosmic eraser of self imposed fear and doubt. Liberates life to thrive. Repeat the mantra today and through the week, I trust in my life… & It’s beautiful! You will feel a calm settling at the core of YOU and it’s magical. Let your light shine!
Favorable Outcome Mantra
I am in the light of favorable outcomes! Find as many opportunities today and the rest of the week to repeat the mantra of FAVORABLE OUTCOMES! Connecting to the deeper trust of life’s flow reduces the noise of fear and brings to light the natural good that inspires favorable outcomes. May your day and week be filled with the light of favorable outcomes! Breath. Smile. And receive.
Authenticity Mantra
Authenticity is the fresh air… I breathe today! Be full-on in your presence and your personal authenticity will activate even stronger.
Prosperity Abundance Mantra
I awaken to the PROSPERITY PROMISE natural to me. I walk with gratitude for the gifts that are stepping forth. There is a PROSPERITY PROMISE already residing and ready to guide… within you. It is a natural abundance compass that is personal and perfect for you and your life. It is already imprinted within your spirit.
Confidence Mantra
Alive with confidence, I rise… Repeat the mantra every morning this week and experience the energizing effect. Turn up the volume of ALIVENESS, confidence will rise to meet to you and help carry you, it’s a beautiful thing.
Gratitude Mantra
Today, I smile bigger, brighter & more! A smile is gratitude’s expression. Every smile we give to life. LIFE gives us more back to smile about. A smile is such a reciprocating act. Life’s mirror of reflecting happiness. Let today’s mantra be a message of expression. Feel energizing awareness today as you smile bigger, brighter and more with every encounter, each person and with all situations. Something magical is about to happen, get your smile on…
Connecting Support Mantra
I am connecting to synergistic support and I am calling it forth! You don’t have to go it alone. You don’t have to carry it “all” either. Connect to the natural synergistic energy ready to conspire with you and for you. Tap into it. Connect...
Transformation Miracle Mantra
I am WITHIN my transformation! We are all actively in some phase of important transformation. It doesn’t matter what area of ourselves or our lives we are evolving a change with… Often, we berate ourselves as if we aren’t making the necessary progress needed at the rate we think is enough. The truth is you are closer than you think. It’s unfolding. You are already within the transformation being done. Trust the process regardless of how it looks today. Grab your power. Repeat the mantra: I am WITHIN my transformation! It’s happening.