Mantra Time to Shine Speak Up Show Up

by | Dec 27, 2021 | Empower Change, Inspiration Trails, Monday Mantras


Today… I show up. Speak Up. And let my light shine!

I absolutely know this is how you can activate your most natural state of power. It’s how we come into the world as a child. All great change in our lives and in the world comes from our willingness to fully show up to the moment, the day, and all that is… here and now. 

Speak up and show up to what is truthful to the moment, situation, and what is… and your light will shine brighter. In doing this most powerful act, everything shifts into a better place of change. Once this mantra unveiled these words to me… I found myself repeating these words so easily with effortless grace over and over….

Let your light shine. Show up. Speak up. Start today.

This is a perfect time to start the Miracle Stream or Prosperity Pathway!!

Haven’t joined it before? Join me now… check out below.

If you have previously purchased Miracle Stream or Prosperity Pathway download the Simplero app and get full access again.

In this 21-day Miracle Stream Mantra Challenge Experience, you will connect to the miracle stream ready to support and carry you for what is needed for you now.

The Miracle Stream experience is filled with daily mantras, immersive meditation experiences, and specific journal entries for synchronizing a stream of miracles immediately into your life.

  • Daily Miracle Mantras
  • Deep Immersion Subconscious Programming
  • Mini Meditations 
  • Daily Miracle Reflection Prompts

Join the Miracle Stream for the next 21 Days for 15-20 minutes a day.

Get your prosperity momentum going as we enter November for a month full of thankful blessings. In this 21-day Prosperity Mantra Challenge Experience, you will not only rediscover the blessings in your life, you access the energy fuel to super-charge your prosperity path.

Let your next 21 days be filled with daily prosperity mantras, immersive wealth deepening meditation experiences, and specific journal entries for shaping prosperity immediately into your life.