Shine Bright Mantra

by | Dec 21, 2020 | Inspiration Trails, Monday Mantras


Shine Bright

Two power words for you and everything else…

The Solstice time is symbolizing the significant shift being asked to #ShineBright as we cross the Grand Conjunction with Saturn and Jupiter being closest together and to earth shining like a BIG star (known as the Christmas Star) in the sky.

Shine Bright…

It’s in you and around you. Let the magic of this most transformative time touch the depth of your spirit with your very own soul-light meant to shine bright.

We are working our way into a brighter light for the future. Speak the “Shine Bright” more to life as your light is needed so very much right now.

Shine Bright Beautiful One,


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Solstice Soul Honoring LIVE:

Saturate in the Solstice energy for your Soul. This session will focus on how to tune into the Solstice time to best use the deep insights of this powerful transformative time to give closure to 2020 and tap into the transformation ready to take shape for 2021. 

What needs to untangle, lose its grip? Let yourself align into your Divine Right to Shine Bright. Let’s connect and claim with all our hearts the initiation of our intentions.

Come steep your soul in the energy to honor what is ahead for you.

Monday, December 21st at 6pm PST

++ PLUS Includes self-guided end of the year ritual for the last Full Moon of 2020 on December 30th.