Creating New Possibilities!

by | Apr 21, 2014 | Inspiration

Very Exciting News - We are on iHeart Radio!

Empower11 Radio iheart logoI have very exciting news, the Empower11 Radio Show is now going on iHeart Radio. It is the second largest internet radio distribution platform after Pandora. Very Global. Big door opening.

The amazing irony of the story… I got connected up with Jack several years ago when I was compiling an audition reel for Hay House Radio and needed some technology help. We worked together on a few projects during that time from different parts of the country and began falling in love. (Full love story here.) Fast forward years later, here we are today… now going on iHeart Radio together. It feels quite Divine, like the Universe winking a ‘yes’ at me.

I have felt very pulled to do a radio show because the enormous amount of hours I was helped listening to Wayne Dyer’s show on Hay House Radio. It helped me tremendously at a time when I needed clarity, strength, remembrance and encouragement while so much was changing in my life. I had been reading many of the self-improvement/spiritual books and was very much a seeker on a spiritual path but it was the conversations that helped me so much. It was listening to the hours and hours of conversation over time that shifted a better conversation with myself and my world.

I wanted to give that same gift to others. I felt it all the way to my core, I was being called to do a radio show. Every radio show I have done to this point, I have always wanted…. that if this is the only time someone heard me, I would share whole-heartedly enough of myself for them to be in better conversation with themselves and their life. It will continue to be my intent as we expand the Empower11 Radio show, globally on iHeart Radio, not sure how it is all going to work quite yet, but I will keep you posted as I know more details.

Big love and heart smiles to you my friends on the inspiration trail.

~ Namaste ~

Join the conversation as we explore on this week’s episode with Creating New Possibilities on iHeart Radio.

Life believes in second chances and third and many more… Don’t ever give up on yourself! Love, dreams, peace, prosperity and fulfillment will find their way to you if you are willing to embrace your own possibilities today. Join the conversation as we explore those powerful moments that expand into new possibilities and dreams.