December Full Moon 2022 Insider

by | Dec 7, 2022 | Inspiration




Last Full Moon of 2022 is here. December 7/8th. Give closure to 2022 with a Miraculous Healing & Transformation of the Full Moon Ritual. 5 Easy Steps here.
We are coming to a close of 2022 and it was the year of relationships. What new relationship(s) formed? What old relationships made a shift? The relationships could be with someone, yourself, or your relationship with some life aspect such as career, home, purpose, finances, or current state of the world.
Name the season 2022 has been for you? What is the new relationship you are carrying into 2023? Rites of passage help carry us across one season to another, all of life works in a beautiful rhythm of cycles/seasons.
A good tradition with the last full moon of the year is to name what the full season of 2022 was for you.
Use these examples to help guide your way to name 2022 for you. Name the season to help give completion and prepare for 2023.
A season of discovering?
A season of dismantling?
A season of accepting?
A season of letting go?
A season of new deep insights?
A season of waiting?
A season of love?
A season of uncertainty?
A season of stretching?
A season to stop running?
A season to end?
A season to begin?
Focus for the Last Full Moon of 2022:
1. BIG Endings with Dreams Beginning. ~ Something is definitely shifting. You will know it by either the BIG Endings you chose or being chosen for you. Trust it is for your best. New dreams are beginning if you allow what is now to close and complete.
2. Truth Speaking. ~ You will feel your voice coming more alive with your truth to speak what is real and true for you. It is being felt in the world around us the hunger and desire for more truth-speaking is real in all situations. Begin with your own honest heart speaking the truth for you.
3. New Paths Forward. There is a strong pull for forward movement with new visions. Allow yourself to give closure to 2022. What new relationship(s) are you carrying forward with new visions for 2023?
Pen to Paper, Antenna to God/Source/Creator let it go. Write a letter to close out the year…. Dear 2022, this has been a season of….Let it go. Surrender and release.
May the Miraculous Full of Your Light Shine.
Shine on ~

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Low Inventory

Grab yours before they sell out.

Makes a fabulous gift for a little over $20.

Every card is filled with incredible love and power.

Plus each gift bag comes with a unique high-frequency synchronicity stone with a power word to give that right message at the right time for each receiver adding fun and meaning to the gift.

Prices are set to grab several bundles for friends, family, co-workers, and your favorite people. 

Makes great stocking stuffers.

Give ~ Gift ~ Gratitude ~ Special Pricing Over 30% off

Give a Life-Changing Transformational Experience

Giver picks when the delivery date of the e-gift.

Receiver picks the date to begin their 21-Day  Mantra Experience

(Any of the 21-Days experiences are a fabulous way to begin 2023)

Life Visioning 2023 LIVE Event

Life Visioning 2023 LIVE Event