Miracle Today Mantra

by | Oct 9, 2017 | Inspiration, Monday Mantra

I am open to the miracle of today.

There is always a beautiful solution ready to present. What we need… when we need it. Let Mondays lead your week in miraculous ways. Start with today and claim the miracle you are open to receive.

What if every Monday morning before you got out of bed you repeated the mantra…

…I am open to the miracle of today…

How would that energize your week? This mantra is easy and simple enough to remember. Let it marinate into your Mondays as a ritual to empower miracles for you.

We need a miracle mindset now more than ever. Calling in the greater consciousness with spiritually expanded solutions beyond the current lower energies circulating out of fear and disconnection.

Everyday nature wakes to the intrinsic miracle of today to unfold. We can align to the same connection that is miraculous in nature that is already natural to us.

I am open to the miracle of today!


7 Easy Steps of How to Do A New Moon Ritual