Conspiring Good Mantra

Jun 14, 2021 | Monday Mantra

I trust the Universe is conspiring my good NOW and for the future.

Here is an empowering conspiracy theory to uplift whatever current reality that wants to feed fear to you.

The Universe is conspiring for your good NOW and for the future.

Believe in the benevolent power source of higher consciousness co-creating for your good and LIFE.

Believe in life’s capacity to carry you to the best possible future-shaping to support you.

Believe in life’s capacity to carry you to the best possible future-shaping to support you.

Believe in the serendipitous way life presents small compounding miracles to renew and restore the inherent good that wants to be lived ALIVE and into LIFE.

Let the weight of heavy collected stories — dissolve in the light and fall flat.

♥️The words we speak become the mantras we repeat.

The mantras we repeat become the frequency shaping life.

Think of an area of your life you would like to feel more support with…. invite the light of the conspiring good at work to empower the energy being impressed into the field to promote promising possibilities.

♥️Let this mantra open up compounding miracles to support you in small and bigs ways today and for the future.

The future is being created NOW and it includes the best for you.

Reach for it.

Believe in it.

Let the energy shine through.~



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In this 21-day Miracle Stream Mantra Challenge Experience, you will connect to the miracle stream ready to support and carry you for what is needed for you now.

The Miracle Stream experience is filled with daily mantras, immersive meditation experiences, and specific journal entries for synchronizing a stream of miracles immediately into your life.

  • Daily Miracle Mantras
  • Deep Immersion Subconscious Programming
  • Mini Meditations 
  • Daily Miracle Reflection Prompts

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Get your prosperity momentum going in this 21-day Prosperity Mantra Challenge Experience, you will not only rediscover the blessings in your life, you access the energy fuel to super-charge your prosperity path.

Let your next 21 days be filled with daily prosperity mantras, immersive wealth deepening meditation experiences, and specific journal entries for shaping prosperity immediately into your life.