Declare Peace Mantra

by | Feb 28, 2022 | Monday Mantra

Today, I declare peace… supportive peace.

Peace surrounds me. I am peace. There shall be peace. 

We can impact the field, the frequency of energy we each offer into the collective current.
Declaring peace with this mantra can make miraculous impact.
Declare peace around everything touching your life.
Declare peace in your mind.
Proclaim peace in your prayers.
Feel the power of your words and intentions around peace to shape and shift energy, instantly and immediately.
Repeat the mantra as often as you need or anytime you feel conflict arising in or around you in thought or a situation.
We have power to hold a focus and frequency on peace and bypass all channels in the way.
Let’s do it for our own lives and into the greater field of LIFE.
I declare peace…
supportive peace.
Peace surrounds me.
I am peace.
There shall be peace.
Our own ability to declare peace is powerful beyond belief.
Speak the peace mantra for your own personal life or anywhere it is needed.
Take a moment right now and let the mantra speak peace into our shared world.
Peace from you + me is needed.
Let our peace frequency resound.
Peace be with you.



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