I am Worthy because I am.

You are included. You are connected to the Source of Creation/Life.
It’s not a hustle to hurdle over to be worth the abundance, prosperity, vitality, love and good fortune of health, wealth, meaning and acceptance to allow a thriving life it to be.

It’s yours… right now! And whenever conditioned beliefs, past experiences, clouds of doubt want to roll in to distract you from this truth.

Repeat the mantra with a deep receiving breath… I am worth it because I am.

Use this week to stretch the conditioned edges that have kept you contained in some life area that has kept you smaller than the truth your Divine heart… beats and speaks of what you know is true for you deep inside. Trust in your Original Knowing. Experience a new edge to expand toward.

Give yourself a permission pass to open the gate that previously has closed off or held you back. Open. Be seen. Ask. Allow. Receive. Speak the Divine truth for you… I am worth it because I am.

Let your heart shine bright today and dissolve the false that is ready to fade in the light of your truth.

You are worth it because you are. Repeat. Speak it into existence wherever you need it most in your life.


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