In my heartfelt presence, I RISE…
Life’s richest resources are generated in heartfelt presence. It’s the primary position to all that matters. Everything else is secondary.
With your hand over heart…repeat {{In my heartfelt presence, I rise!}}
As each and every one of us are being called to RISE in a new way. Entering a new energy era with exactly how we use our God-given power. Use the sacred source of your heartfelt presence to guide the way for you. Your heartfelt presence is sacred biotechnology.
Drop in… feel the energy direction for any situation, circumstance, decision or interaction with heartfelt presence. Gratitude is a carrier of heartfelt presence. Heartfelt presence is the potent power of truth your can turn towards to guide the way.
Heartfelt presence isn’t frail or weak. Heartfelt presence is strength filled with a radiating field.
Give rise to this most powerful matching field of love energy that holds the omnipotent power of courage, compassion, understanding, tenderness, tenacity, miracles, connection, and protection. It’s all available for you right now. You are not outside the source for your matching good to give rise for you.
The new era is asking for your embodiment with fullness of life energy rich in heartfelt presence to fill every area of your life.
Ready to show up and rise?
Begin with the honesty of your heartfelt presence to not only guide but give uplift to your divine right to RISE!
Prosperity Mantra Challenge Experience is fantastic way for 2021. In this 21-day Prosperity Mantra Challenge Experience, you will not only rediscover the blessings in your life, you access the energy fuel to super-charge your prosperity path.
Let your 1-1-21 begin with daily prosperity mantras, immersive wealth deepening meditation experiences, and specific journal entries for shaping prosperity immediately into your life.
Join us in re-shaping, re-shifting, rewriting the PROSPERITY PATHWAY over 21 days. Get your prosperity momentum going as we enter the month full of thankful blessings. Activate new shaped stamina in the prosperity path for you.
- Daily Mantras
- Weekly Deep Immersion Meditational Subconscious Programming
- Mini Meditations
- Daily Prosperity Intentional Journal Prompts
- 21 Days of Prosperity Power-Ups, including optional SMS mantra texts to keep you on track.
Multiply the prosperity. Get a friend to join along with you.
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PRO-THE-SPIRIT of you. Prosperity.
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