I am open to magical manifesting moving toward me.
I am open to magical manifesting energy moving toward me. You can lift up faith today with the magical joy of the Universe. Pick a troublesome issue or life area where you would like to have something magical manifest for you. Now surrender the heavy weighted issue to the Universe and repeat…
“I am open to magical manifesting
moving toward me!”
Step up in a new way today - out of hiding and holding back. Reach out and open up to receive as you speak the mantra three times with arms open wide. Try this three times daily for the next week, and you will have something magical manifest for you. Speaking the words for magical manifesting will move the manifestation toward you.
Everything is negotiable in life. Free yourself from the weight of something heavy-hearted. Give it to the Universal Source of light to create magical manifestations. The month of May is a manifesting time. Let this mantra lift you toward your inspired intentions and dreams.
“I am open to magical manifesting
moving toward me.”