I Believe… & It’s Magical.
Pick that one area of your life that needs to be powered-up. That one area of your life that you have felt fear or insecurity rattle your ability to go “all in” with believing in what’s possible for you or new circumstance. Today, allow yourself to align with your magical possibilities by inserting these power words into your consciousness.
Lift your whole focus with these power-words. Try repeating this mantra at least 11 times today. Turn up the volume of your focus to have faith in believing in magical possibilities. Turn down over-thinking and turn up simple-minded focus to believe in the magical.
Feel the power of holding something you want to expand deeper with by drawing in a big deep breath and repeating, I believe… and letting your breath out repeat, and it’s magical… Try this 11 times today.
Let the magical reveal coincidences and synchronistic gifts to you. It’s right here for you. Believe because life is magical.
Shine on ~
Namaste, Anne

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The Monday Mantra Limited Edition Gift Bundle.
Grab them fast before they sell out completely. 150 more bundles added to inventory and that will be last of any inventory for this 2018.
Will make a fabulous gift to give for a little over $20.
Every card is filled with incredible love and power.
Included in the gift bundle set is a pocket mantra book of a full year of 52 mantras, one for every week.
Plus each gift bag comes with a unique synchronicity stone with a power word to give that right message at the right time and meaning of energy to work with throughout the year with the mantras.