Mantra Divine Dignity

by | Jan 7, 2019 | Monday Mantra

Divine Dignity

As we step into the first Monday of 2019 with high aims towards new dreams and sacred desires to actualize… stand tall in and with your Divine Dignity. Let these two power words wash over you… Divine Dignity. It is the life posture filled with worthiness. Every aspect of you holds the divine blueprint of dignity. Full of worthiness to be your Majestic Expression. (Every cell. Every organ and every part of your body.) It is not something has to be earned, it is yours, right now… Divine Dignity. We all hold it and have it.  It’s part of divine birthright.

The same as a majestic tree reaching for the sky while building roots to be firmly planted on earth. The inherent worthiness of a tree retains its’ Divine Dignity to unfold, express and “become” not matter what season it is in.

Whatever is the season and cycle of your life for 2019. Stand tall. Reach out to life and your dreams, while remembering and retaining your posture of Divine Dignity. This is not your time for shrinking or playing small in any capacity. No discounting your Divine Dignity, no apologizing for who you are and who you are becoming. No turning down the volume of you. Let no part of your expression, in body, mind or your life’s sacred desires be disconnected from your Divine Dignity to show up as YOU.

You are Divine Dignity. Find comfort and remembrance filled with truth in these two mighty mantra words of Divine Dignity.

Breathe in and out and repeat as often as possible for every aspect of you to rise in the vibrational frequency of Divine Dignity because it is you at the core and truth of you.

You are Divine Dignity. Speak it. Be it. Live it.

Welcome 2019 in all the worthiness meant for you as Divine Dignity.


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