I welcome… the golden warm miracle ready for me.
Pick the life area that has felt cold and distant, now imagine specifically that person or situation with the embracing energy of golden warmth that calls forth the miracle you are now ready to receive.
Take that situation or person and hold them in the warm golden light for 3 minutes in the morning and at the end of the night, repeating the mantra. I welcome, the golden warm miracle ready for me. Your miracle will move toward you. Welcome. Golden. Warmth.
You are worthy of the miracle you are ready to receive.

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During this amazing 4-week program as started for the first week of uncovering your “Soul Inspired Dreams” that reveal your “Soul Inspired Goal” you want to focus on solely and bring into reality!
“Discover your go-to soul inspired goal BLUEPRINT that you can use anytime you wish not only now…but also in the future!”