I am inside the MIRACLES that surround and are all around.
You are a miracle.
Miracles live inside of you.
You are inside a miraculous universe filled with miracles.
Nature displays and speaks her blessings, and abundance of miracles everywhere. You are included in the natural supporting miracle of life surrounding you. Attune to the miraculous nature. Affirm the miracle possibility residing inside you.
Feel the power of starting your day inside your miracle stream.
Pay attention today to the miracle gifts presenting for you in any form.
No matter the size or kind.
Small. Big.
Imprint the activating system of miracles inside you.
Wherever something significant or important has felt outside of you or your life this miracle mantra brings you inside the energy that surrounds and is all around.
Dissolve the doubt.
Allow what’s blocked to get unlocked.
This precise time offers a thin veil of connection to the cosmos. Let your soul be fed with the sustenance of miracles ready to reveal something powerful, supportive, and true for you.

This is a perfect time to start the Miracle Stream.
Haven’t joined it before? Join me now… check out below.
If you have previously purchased Miracle Stream download the Simplero app and get full access again.
In this 21-day Miracle Stream Mantra Challenge Experience, you will connect to the miracle stream ready to support and carry you for what is needed for you now.
The Miracle Stream experience is filled with daily mantras, immersive meditation experiences, and specific journal entries for synchronizing a stream of miracles immediately into your life.
- Daily Miracle Mantras
- Deep Immersion Subconscious Programming
- Mini Meditations
- Daily Miracle Reflection Prompts
Join the Miracle Stream for the next 21 Days for 15-20 minutes a day.