Prosperity Abundance Mantra

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Monday Mantra

Prosperity guides me. Prosperity finds me.

Saying the word… P-R-O-S-P-E-R-I-T-Y… silently and slowly to yourself evokes elevated expansion and attraction. Speaking the mantra immediately lets you shape a prosperity posture.
Prosperity is such a luscious power-packed word that encompasses the energy of rich possibility in all ways for your life.
Try repeating this mantra 9 times today (3 x morning - noon - before bed) and take notice, as prosperity expands and attracts for 2023.
2023 is the year of 7.
Guess what that means for you?
A Year of PROSPERITY. Abundance. Upgrading.
What are your super-powers for 2023 for powerful prosperous year?
Clarity + Focus.
To be in the utmost flow of your PROSPERITY (which means PRO-THE-SPIRIT of YOU) place your focus and clarity on honoring the spirit of YOU in the most life-giving way.
Take this mantra all the way thru 2023… Prosperity guides me. Prosperity finds me.

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Life Visioning 2023 LIVE 2 PART EVENT

Life Visioning 2023 LIVE 2 Part Event

Perfect time to start ANY of the 21-Day Mantra Experiences for 2023