Divine Order Mantra

by | Jan 18, 2021 | Monday Mantras

Divine Order

Hold these TWO POWER words in the frequency field of the living network for personal and/or worldly affairs.

Let right action speak forward for you with Divine Order.

What needs to be restored, renewed, directed, connected and expanded… surrender it to Divine Order.

In the light of what is right… call on the Divine Order for right action to ring forth the re-membering of our kindred connection to LIFE.

May this mantra be a prayer/ re-minding in the mind’s power to speak and shape the future forming right now.

Let us re-member, we are an instrument, a channel for the flow of life seeking Divine Order be our personal embodiment for the greatest expression of all.

Take these two MIGHTY POWER WORDS to all you touch, think, feel and focus upon this week.

“Love is the greatest force in the cosmos. He/She who loves is a participant in the being of God. We must walk on in the days ahead with audacious faith in the future.”
- Martin Luther King Jr

Feel your focus and hold with the frequency… answered prayers and shaping solutions for Divine Order to unfold.

And so it is… Divine Order… let it light the way for the future calling each and every one to shape the personal and collective dreams tomorrow holds.
P.S. Find a cluttered space not too BIG —  something you can clear pretty quickly that has been weighing on you. Clear it. Make space. Re-arranging old energies will give more room for Divine Order to flow through. Feel the shift - in re-arranging the energy. Divine Order has goodness for you.

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