Filled with Enthusiasm, I Energize Today!

by | Dec 4, 2016 | Monday Mantra

Filled with enthusiasm, I energize today!

Filled with enthusiasm, I energize today! Start your mornings with this extremely powerful mantra. You will instantly and automatically receive feel an energy rise simply by repeating this mantra slowly and fully to embody…

Filled with enthusiasm, I energize today.  Another way of saying it is… I am showing up alive, vibrant, present, filled with charisma and ready to embrace my life fully with no fear.

All your highly favorable good will move faster toward you in the synchronizing energy field of enthusiasm. Want more energy? Or an instant energy burst? How about a morning surge of energy to set the tone for the day…. try super-charging the mantra message with water.

As you take a drink of water, repeat the mantra slowly and silently in your mind… Filled with enthusiasm, I energize my body, my mind and today! Try a simple meditational moment with water while repeating the mantra for your next energy surge!

Namaste, Anne 

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