Mantra to Shine

by | Apr 27, 2020 | Monday Mantra

I am in my time to shine.

Now is your time. It’s a call being carried forward by your future self and our future world. Shine. Shine your light. Shine your truth. Shine with your very soul print and essence. Shine your love. Shine your compassion connection. Whatever has been held back. Hidden away is not being bought forward.

By. Each. And. Every. One. Of. Us.

Now is the time… we can do this. Repeat the mantra… I am in my time to shine. Let it be the living and breathing message you carry into life. The day. Now.

Your radiance in all your rays of light is needed. Show up. Shine. Say it… I am in my time to shine. Bring the light of you forward now is your time.
Shine on ~

♥️ Namaste, Anne

#MondayMantra #MantrasMatter #TimetoShineMantra

Soul of Business Workshop

Free LIVE Online Soul of Business Workshop Part One & Two

As the world has gotten more still, the online space has gotten overwhelmingly noisier. 

Before jumping on a hurried-hustle or feeling stuck with stagnation in the changing times, the Soul of Your Business has answers. 

Do you want to be sucked into compromising yourself or the Soul of Your Business in the sea of noise and confusion because you feel you have to do something ?

There is another way to know your next right actions, are you ready to listen in, play and plan ?

Let the Soul of Your Business filled with potent life force energy guide your next steps to pivot and create business clarity.