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Reach & Receive My Manifesting Good Mantra

by | Oct 23, 2017 | Monday Mantras

I Reach & Receive My Manifesting Good Now.

This is a go-to mantra that is easy to remember and accessible to pull upon any moment you are experiencing unknowns when something needs to be pulled in closer that feels missing or out of reach.

You can use this mantra before making an important phone call or having the conversation. Showing up in a new place. Engaging in a new experience. Calling in something important.

Asking for the manifesting good NOW also immediately aligns us to the instantaneous good always available.

Often, we can trip ourselves up into thinking our manifesting
good is being withheld until we have earned it or we deserve it based on some patriarchal relationship with life, the universe or Source. We live not in a withholding universe. Manifesting good is the infinite supply always available and pouring forth into this abundant universe.

You can claim your connection to it now.
Claim it… I reach and receive my manifesting good now.



Healing Sacred Space Meditation PREVIEW

by Anne Ribley | 35 Minutes

Create Your Soul Stamina Plan!
