Receive Divine Love Mantra

by | Feb 1, 2016 | Monday Mantra

Receive Love Mantra

I reach & receive Divine Love with a full embrace!

Use this mantra to expand and embrace deeper your innate worthiness to experience the fullness of love.

You are worthy of Love’s Divine to fill you.

Let your vision for the day and week be set on opening your connection to embrace love more fully. 

Find the area of your life that scares you the most to trust and expand with love… repeat the mantra with a fullness of breath {{as you embody}} deeper your own healing and expanding capacity to be a giver and receiver of Divine Love.

Soulmate love?

Family love?

Life purpose felt love?

All of love’s many faces and places… let your heart be watered with the growing and glowing power of Divine Love.

More than any worldly possessions, the soul seeks to be union with life’s Divine Love connection.

Let your day and week lead you … to reach & receive Divine Love with a full embrace. 


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