Manifesting New Moon for March 13-14th ~ Yes to the YES! Use the weekend to welcome your power path of progress. Move with your March miracles filled with Hopes & Dreams for your New Moon Ritual. 

Right now begins a powerful cycle to propel progress, growth forward for your manifesting good. Let the spiritual practice and Manifesting New Moon Ritual boost your dreams into alignment. Pen to paper, antenna to God, Source, Universe.
This month is all about showing up for your dreams, showing up for your truth, and showing up for your new season of manifesting. Receive the gift of the harvest of good for the deep work you have been doing in preparation for your own synchronistic support to come through.
Name and claim what is yours to be and become. It’s your time to grow and glow.

March Manifesting New Moon:

1. Meaning - Miracles - Momentum. 
Meaning matters. It is the blueprint for the miracles of life to unfold. Every seed has meaning and every seed holds the miracle of all that can be activated. Moving into momentum is the seeds of what’s is next. Ignite the intentions within the meaning that matters to you.

2. New Paths of Progress.
Being stirred into existence is the new era filled with each of our paths creating how it emerges. No matter how it looks currently, the meaning that matters to you is ready to forge forward a path of progress for life’s existence. Sit with your sacred intention let what is ready to grow radiate with glow. The light. The truth. The power. Opening your path of progress to support you.

3. Living Truth Alive.
Seeds of intentions are the truth! Truth/Intentions are becoming known. Your inner truth is your truest supportive transformation to now come alive. What is false will eventually fall flat, internally and externally. No one is exempt from this truth. Place your attention to your seeds of intentions ready to take root??

It’s GO time.
It’s GROW time.
It’s your GLOW time.
Be inside your flow.
Create your ritual of intention.
Light your candle. Speak “BeCome”.
Life wants you to be prosperous.
You are worthy to receive your miracle bringing in new momentum for your path ahead.

Shine On ~

No matter how life looks in the present moment, miracles are happening for you to recognize and receive.

Over-givers, practice being in sync to give and receive with a balanced belonging for both, be receptive to the miracles moving around you. Open your energy field wider for hope and help ready to assist you for your best.

Let March move with the momentum for your miracles.

Start your day for the month of March with this mantra as your first waking words of intention before your feet touch the floor.

 Support Enhancements

Empowering Abundance Meditation

by Anne Ribley | 15 Minutes

NOW AVAILABLE on your preferred music platforms… iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, GooglePlay for the Empower Abundance Meditation for streaming, download or to purchase.

Creating Sacred Space for Rituals

by Anne Ribley | Meditative Words & Music for Rituals

NOW AVAILABLE on your preferred music platforms… iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, GooglePlay for the Nourishing Worthiness for streaming, download or to purchase.