October 2016 Super Full Moon

October 2016 Super Full Moon

~ SUPER Full Moon, October 15th-16th ~ This weekend let the healing energy wave sweep over you to release, liberate and transform the unbreakable, tender truth your soul is ready to live! (5 Easy Steps to a Full Moon Ritual here: goo.gl/iSzvxy)

February 2016 Full Moon Ritual

   February Full Moon Ritual ~ Monday, February 22nd ~ You can deepen your connection to the healing and transformation that is ready for you with the Miraculous Full Moon Ritual. PLUS, you’ll receive an invitation to a Live Teleseminar on Sunday to teach you to prepare a Ritual to Release the Resistance. As we enter into this strong boosting energy of the Miraculous Full Moon, we are being asked to “release the resistance” so that we may give “lift off” to our dreams.  Turn it up to 11. For a rocket to launch into space it must first move past all the resistance holding it back. Once a rocket accelerates to the point of 11 kilometers per second, it reaches a “lift off” status and stays in the air with momentum. Similarly, there is a point in our lives, I like to call “turning life up to 11”. Congruence. Alignment. Letting the oneness of our inner and outer energies resonate so strongly, we can create an energy exchange with our world that allows us to move past fragmented, dissipating or stuck energies holding us back.  This full moon brings you an invitation to let go and release your resistance to “lift off” in your life - letting go of any area of resistance that you feel has held you back and reducing your disempowering states of dissipating energy. We all have them. We are about to enter into 3 consecutive Super New Moons (March, April, and May) when manifesting energy will offer you a super-charging boost toward your dreams. Let yourself get into a resonating alignment with your...

The Power of the Full Moon Ritual

~ The Miraculous Full Moon Ritual ~ It’s a natural synchronizing time for your soul. Letting go and making room for what’s ready to transform. The full moon cycle offers a time of major life shifts. Letting deeply suppressed protective layers to be released. Opening up for something fresh and new. Allowing the transformation and healing that is deeply desired from the core of YOU to break-thru! You, me, all of us are similar to that flower, blade of grass that never forgets to grow toward the light. Remember your inner knowingness. Break-thru any of those layers and heavy barriers that have shown up as limiting beliefs, hurtful experiences, life let downs, painful past traumas and continue to BECOME that flower or blade of grass that finds the path to the light on the other side of the thick heavy asphalt/cement. The vulnerable grass blade or flower doesn’t spring up through the crack in the asphalt by a domination of force. It gets on the other side by the natural innate life force to break-thru. Unfurl. Unfold. Reach out. Open up. Incremental movements toward the light. The natural evolution to thrive. If you have felt a real surge of swirling robust energy circulating in your life lately. Know that you are not alone. We are a connected Universe. The moon is moving in the full position, a highly amplified time of time of alignment, boosting the movement of energy. Ocean tides will be peaking high. What’s moving in the high position of priority for you to heal and transform in your life right now? The core heart of what...

September 2015 Super Full Moon Ritual

SUPER Full Moon + Total Lunar Eclipse ~ Sunday, Sept 27th ~ BIG. BOLD. New Beginnings. Harvest Full Moon. Create your Miraculous Full Moon Ritual and connect to this powerful energy surge to propel you strongly into harvesting your new growth cycle.

August SUPER Full Moon 2015

August SUPER Full Moon 2015

SUPER Full Moon, August 29th 2015 ~ Are you being settled into a new phase? Now is the time to release any deep emotional or life blocks that have stopped you from embracing what is ready to transform you.