Mantra: Peace by Peace, I Reach!
Monday Mantra
Energy Mantra
Filled with enthusiasm, I energize today! Enthusiasm is a superpower we all have in our own unique energy combination. Give yourself this extremely powerful mantra for energy. You will instantly and automatically receive an energy rise simply by repeating this...
Blessed Yes Mantra
Mantra: I am Blessed in My YES
Calling on the Power Mantra
MONDAY MANTRA” I am calling the POWER forth… from wherever it is….
Power of Now Mantra
My moment is NOW! My moment is NOW. Not tomorrow. Not later. Not the distant future that never comes and is always moving forward. My moment Now. My moment is NOW to speak up. My moment is NOW to love myself. My moment is now to honor my heart. My moment is NOW to...
Beautiful Blessings Mantra
MANTRA: I trust beautiful blessings to guide my day.
Mantra Goodness
MONDAY MANTRA: I am SHOWING up! Life, reveal your goodness to me.
Money Mantra Flow
MONDAY MANTRA: I allow the manifesting money overflow to reach me.
Mantra for Flow
Monday Mantra: That which supports me BOLDLY steps forward that which doesn’t GRACEFULLY steps down.
Worthy Mantra
MANTRA: I am worth it.
Abundance Mantra | I am living inside the abundance
I am living inside the abundance that surrounds and is all around. PERFECT Mantra for the New Month + New Moon cycle beginning this week! You are standing inside an abundant universe. Nature speaks her blessings and bounty of abundance as a reminder of her thriving...
Miracle Mantra
Let the MIRACLE arrive This mantra works as a declaration with LIFE. A surrender. An allowing… These were the words shared with me by the Happiness Coach Becky Morrison who wrote the book, The Happiness Recipe an invitation to handle something important to my...