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Flow of Prosperity Mantra

by | May 2, 2016 | Inspiration Trails, Monday Mantras

I Am in the Flow With the Prosperous Currency of My Life

Create an amazing week for prosperity to attract all around you!

This week is filled with boosting energy as we enter the 3rd consecutive SUPER NEW Moon for 2016. 

Currency is all about flow.

Let it circulate around you.

Be in you. Move with you.

Put yourself into the prosperity flow. Feel it. Be it.

Let the attraction of gracious abundance be your flow currency. A UNIVERSAL prosperous flow guides all of life. You live not in a withholding universe therefore, you have access to the currency of prosperity.

Be with it now. 


Prosperity Flow Mantra

by Anne Ribley | 5 Minutes


Healing Sacred Space Meditation PREVIEW

by Anne Ribley | 35 Minutes

7 Easy Steps of How to Do A New Moon Ritual



Create Your Soul Stamina Plan!
