Wish Fulfilled Mantra

by | Sep 27, 2021 | Inspiration Trails, Monday Mantras

I am connected to EVERYTHING I need!

This simple mantra breaks the illusion of lack or blockages. Instantly aligning with the principle that we live not in a withholding universe. Connect to the miraculous serendipitous nature of life, try repeating this mantra at least 3 times with your eyes closed, daily.

You are worthy of receiving what you need for your best well-being. Pull on the energy from wherever it is… you are connected to EVERYTHING you need. Let this mantra boost your week with the energy to materialize something fabulous!

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In this 21-day Miracle Stream Mantra Challenge Experience, you will connect to the miracle stream ready to support and carry you for what is needed for you now.

The Miracle Stream experience is filled with daily mantras, immersive meditation experiences, and specific journal entries for synchronizing a stream of miracles immediately into your life.

  • Daily Miracle Mantras
  • Deep Immersion Subconscious Programming
  • Mini Meditations 
  • Daily Miracle Reflection Prompts

Join the Miracle Stream for the next 21 Days for 15-20 minutes a day.