I am allowing DIVINE SYNCHRONICITY to step forward.
Think of three important aspects of your life that needs more answers… actions… or clarity to come forth.
Call on the DIVINE synchronicity to show up for you.
Live into what is needed with ease and grace by asking for the DIVINE synchronicity to step forward. Take comfort in this “knowing” that something very specific for what is right for you at this right time is sliding into place.
Write down your three important areas sometime today… 1.2.3…. and then let your week unfold with a free flow for the right one to step forward first.
Simply repeat the “DIVINE Synchronicity” when the mind wants to attach to immediate answers.
A DIVINE movement of synchronistic events will step toward you as you liberate your intentions!

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EXCITING NEWS!!! So many of you asked and we are able to offer a small batch order of 250 Monday Mantra Card Bundles. Secure your order while inventory lasts.
So if you didn’t get a chance to order your set, now is your time. If you wanted to order more to give as a gift. Hurry and pre-order because only another 250 bundles are being being printed and added to inventory at this time. They are even more beautiful in your hands. I promise you. They are treasures filled with such power.
Every card is filled with incredible love and power.
Included in the gift bundle set is a pocket mantra book of a full year of 52 mantras, one for every week.
Plus each gift bag comes with a unique synchronicity stone with a power word to give that right message at the right time and meaning of energy to work with throughout the year with the mantras.

Order your Monday Mantra bundle and get your very own personal…