Worthy of a Miracle Now

by | May 31, 2021 | Monday Mantra

I am absolutely worthy of a miracle now..

Carry these powerful mantra words with you as we close May Manifesting Miracles and turn toward the transformative June for Nourishing Your True Joy connection.

Let these mantra words be a source of strength, allowing you to move closer to the absolute knowing that you were born out of miraculous impact. You will continue to unfold a life filled with… possibility… to match the miracles ready to be received by YOU!

“What you seek… is seeking you!” - Rumi

No matter what new roads you will cross ahead let them meet and match the miracle you are absolutely worthy of receiving.

What is the miracle for you? Health? Home? Relationship? Financial? New Career? Expanded Career? Relationship healing? Relationship deepening? New relationship? Growing your family? Hold into focus the miracle energy you are worthy to receive.

Shine on ~



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In this 21-day Miracle Stream Mantra Challenge Experience, you will connect to the miracle stream ready to support and carry you for what is needed for you now.

The Miracle Stream experience is filled with daily mantras, immersive meditation experiences, and specific journal entries for synchronizing a stream of miracles immediately into your life.

  • Daily Miracle Mantras
  • Deep Immersion Subconscious Programming
  • Mini Meditations 
  • Daily Miracle Reflection Prompts

Join me on the Miracle Stream for the next 21 Days for 15-20 minutes a day.

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