Conspiring Good Mantra

by | Feb 1, 2021 | Monday Mantras

I am connected to the conspiring GOOD holding my heart.

No matter how it looks through the lens of the current world, your heart mind, your essential self, the loving life force of your soul is being held by the Benevolent Source conspiring for your GOOD.

Feel into your heart mind that knows the truthful voice whispering the heartbeat of life with the language of real love.

Honor with radical self-respecting love the connection you already have to be held by life with the GOOD conspiring for your best to unfold.

Feel into the truth of your being. Hold this mantra as a repetitive reminder for the miracles… your life wants for you.



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Miracle Reset Workshop for February Focus:

Transcending Trauma Loops.

Step Out Behind the Walls Keeping You Small.

Find Your Victorious Voice.

Release Your Radiant Heart.

Refresh Your Joy. 

This is will be an experiential event with interactive integration. REPLAY will be available. 

My promise is you will leave the experience with a real sense of a reset of your miracles for the path forward. 

Early Bird Pricing For Registering Before Day of Event

Imagine using your super-power, holy power of FOCUS to create solid foundational steps for the future that feels good to you. This is why I want to support you with the February Focus you are ready to manifest forward. It’s important and matters for the GOLDEN GIFT ready for you. Why? Because taking the right focused action is essential for the future vision you want to manifest/create.

What is up for your YES?

Your YES is part of your GOLDEN GIFT, the foundational energy inside the February Focus.