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Miracle Power Mantra

by | Aug 24, 2020 | Monday Mantras

I am in the POWER of my MIRACLES.

The direct line of power within and around you is a benevolent source of miraculous blessings.
Right now, more than ever it is easy to get swept into the competing energies which can collapse or compress the inherent power supporting the miracles ready to bloom for you and all around in life.
Einstein said, “the most fundamental question someone has to ask themselves is do… I live in a friendly or hostile, antagonistic universe?” This question directly relates to how we perceive others, life events and personal circumstances. The question is imperative for how we are showing up to each other and our lives. Find the friendly/connection in the universe unfolding. A great awakening is happening and with it holds miracles just for you.
Einstein also said there are two ways to view life as everything is a miracle or as if nothing is a miracle.
No matter how it looks currently, miracles are abound. You are soul sourced power directed and connected to be in the power of the miracles ready to bloom for you.
Claim your moment to BE IN THE POWER of your miracles by repeating this mantra, “I am in the power of my miracles.” You are included in the miraculous nature of life, even during this moment of time that is fueling fear and uncertainty.
May you know the silent and unknown supportive stream that can always be heard and felt when “still enough”. Leave space for miracles to speak up in your life.



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We are in the Great Reset. Life has changed. It has reached across and inside all connection lines. The season of uncertainty and chaos is carrying a stream of blessings and gifts to be revealed. As we move through this New Moon upcoming transformational cycle a profound shift is right on the foundation we stand upon.

I am offering the Soul Inspired Manifesting Series for the September Shift.

This is going to be a special container for 1 Focus + 1 Goal + 1 Month with support.

Connection. Belonging. Community. Personal power. Focus. Faith. Activating inspired actions. Manifesting momentum. Meaningful impact. Intentions ignited. Dreams coming alive.

These are some of the very specific energies that will held in the container of the September Shift for an important goal you want to bring to life.

Feeling the call to bring something alive?

Want to be a part of the September Shift with the Soul Inspired Manifesting Series?

I am including extra deep dive bonuses for early bird registrations. 1:1 Private 45 minute Session.

Plus, a bonus opening  workshop, BeFriending Your Nervous System for Success.

Interactive group calls weekly in September.