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Willing to Ask Worthy To Receive Mantra

by | Aug 14, 2017 | Monday Mantras

 I am willing to ask… I am worthy to receive!

Practice your willingness to ASK. Yes, be willing to speak up. Show up. And ask! 

Dissolve your fears around asking and receiving by strengthening the willing to ask… by aligning to the natural well-being of RECEIVING. There is a reason for the verse… Ask and you shall receive… It’s the natural law of attraction at work. Practice and strengthen your law of attraction by being willing to ask… and let your worthiness to receive step forward for you.

Repeat the mantra three times, you will immediately feel a courage rise.

Be willing to ask… then be worthy to receive.

Such a simple healing mantra for miraculous manifesting. 

Willingness to Ask Worthy to Receive Mantra

by Anne Ribley | 11 Minutes

7 Easy Steps of How to Do A New Moon Ritual