Mantra Absolutely Worthy of a Miracle Now

by | Jan 14, 2019 | Inspiration, Monday Mantra

I am absolutely worthy of a miracle now.

Carry these powerful mantra words with you into 2019! 

Let these mantra words be a source of strength, allowing you to move closer to the absolute knowing that you were born out of miraculous impact. You will continue to unfold a life filled with… possibility… to match the miracles ready to be received by YOU!

“What you seek… is seeking you!” - Rumi

No matter what new roads you will cross ahead in this new year let them meet and match the miracle you are absolutely worthy of receiving.
What is the miracle for you?
 Health? Home? Relationship? Financial? New Career? Expanded Career? Relationship healing? Relationship deepening? New relationship? Growing your family? Hold into focus the miracle energy you are worthy to receive. 

Shine on ~
Namaste, Anne

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EXCITING NEWS!!! So many of you asked and we are able to offer a small batch order of 250 Monday Mantra Card Bundles. Secure your order while inventory lasts.

So if you didn’t get a chance to order your set, now is your time. If you wanted to order more to give as a gift. Hurry and pre-order because only another 250 bundles are being being printed and added to inventory at this time. They are even more beautiful in your hands. I promise you. They are treasures filled with such power.

​​​​​Every card is filled with incredible love and power.

Included in the gift bundle set is a pocket mantra book of a full year of 52 mantras, one for every week.

Plus each gift bag comes with a unique synchronicity stone with a power word to give that right message at the right time and meaning of energy to work with throughout the year with the mantras.

“Empower Your Most Important Goal!”

During this amazing 4-week program, I’m going to give you all the tools and techniques you need to help you finally get the clarity you need, get clear on your “WHY”, and most of all…tap into your INNER power source to manifest your #1 soul inspired goal and make it your reality!

“This will be your go-to soul inspired goal BLUEPRINT that you can use anytime you wish not only now…but also in the future!”