June New Moon Ritual

by | Jun 15, 2015 | New Moon

JUNE NEW MOON RITUALManifesting New Moon Ritual 

June 16th, 2015

It’s time to BRING light to your hopes, dreams, and intentions.

Emerge with your growing dreams.

We are in the cycle of new beginnings for June and the mid-point of the year. Yes, what you give clear and focused intention to right now will give definite energy momentum to how the second half of this year will show up and manifest for you.

What is life asking of you to bring forth? What change? What is ready to emerge forth as a growing dream inside? 

We are coming out of a powerful energy cycle of truth sorting from mercury retrograde that is now finally winding down. Take time to get grounded into your being, your heart, and what change matters most right now during the manifesting new moon time. 

Let the clear pristine energy of intention give you the precise lift you need. Stand tall in the spiritual posture of today’s possibilities, not leaning back in the past or too forward in the future. Ask yourself in this NOW moment:

What does life want from me right now? 

This one question during the New Moon Ritual of “writing it right” antenna to God/Universe, can impact as profound miraculous change.

Let your heart speak freely, so your own truth sorting can be told. All of my greatest changes came from showing up with truthful honesty and openness to this question: 

What is life asking of me at this time? Today? Now?

This is the power question I am marinating with as I set my intentions, my energetic tone, and my movement for the second half of 2015.

Plant the seeds of your dreams and intentions.
Give yourself permission to inspire the fire of truth.
Let your dreams rise to meet you in the field of possibility.
Shine on ~

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