December New Moon~ Manifesting New Moon Ritual ~

Sunday, December 21st

This will be the last new moon of 2014. Set your intentions, prayers, dreams and wishes to what you want to manifest for the new year. 

This weekend is filled with highly magnetizing energy to energize your dreams for 2015. Bring light to your intentions. Claim the energizing word you would like to embody stronger in your life. Allow the sustaining shift you have been desiring to come through for you this new year. 

Find some sacred time on Sunday. Write it Right. Pen to paper (Antenna to God). Light your candle. The Manifesting New Moon Ritual is such a soulful ritual that can make the true heart desired manifestations magical — for any age.

Share this ritual  with close ones if you can easily. Only takes 20-30 minutes, it will serve as important intentionalizing energy for the new year. I have family coming in from out of town for the holidays this weekend,  I am having everyone over for dinner, after we all light candles for our hopes & dreams in 2015 with each of us writing our power word on the candle. Everyone wants to feel better. Everyone wants a better life. It does something powerful. It lightens the energy inside and out in the world. Try it, children love it!

All of life is a dream unfolding. Get inside the dream that is speaking to your heart. Steer your soul to follow the direction of your dreams. 

“Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is a dream, realize it. If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.” ― Mother Teresa

Important question to ask for the Manifesting New Moon… is what do you want this new year? What do you really want? Finding solid soulful answers steers our dreams with unimagined powers that are miraculous.

Let your light shine ~

You still have time to access the powerful boosting time

of the Manifesting New Moon

Now through Tuesday, December 23rd!


Print Questions to Inform Intentions

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” 
― Rumi

  1. Create a sacred space with meditative music.
  2. Write a list of what you want to “Become and Be” in your life.
  3. Write down the new intentional changes or growth you would like to bring forth in your life. Write it right, pen to paper (antenna to God, Source) with prayerful intention. 
  4. Read and allow what you wrote to absorb and infuse into you, fold it and place next to the candle! Write the one word that summarizes the energy, you would like to create. You can put the word on your list or write it on your candle.
  5. Light the tealight or prayer candle and speak the words out loud… BeCome!
  6. Sit meditatively with your candle lit, hold sacred space inside for at least 11 minutes. If you use a tea light you can let it blow on its own or you blow the candle out and watch your prayers rise up to the world.
  7. Allow and surrender to miraculous manifestations on their way!

Most likely this will be my only personally guided

Soul Stamina Plan Journey for 2015. Spots are filling up, only taking 50. Join me. It’s fabulous!

Super-Charge Your Manifestations for 2015!

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