Welcome the miraculous. Be inside your sacred connection. Celebrate the Solstice Time + Let the Fullness of Light Lead You Home + We are at a power time with one of the brightest full moons of the year. It’s a power boosting time to call in the miracles, healing and timely transformations. Cozy up by the fire and use 5 simple steps of sacred ritual to bring closure and new beginnings for you during this power time of the Solstice Full Moon.?Full Moon Ritual.

Grab the magic of this incredible transforming time and embrace some sacred time this weekend before all the holidays take over the rest of the year.

Let the stunning illumination of bright light give you a beacon of hope and restorative balance in whatever season you have been in.

It’s the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere with the longest darkest night of the year bringing in the bright illuminating rebirth of new vision and hope. The Spring Solstice is happening in the Southern Hemisphere for the longest day of light of the year carrying reflective reprieve into something profoundly new that was hidden from sight.

It’s a transcendent time for all of us. We are moving out of a long season of immense growth for the new expansion ahead.

What has been a long held season for you in 2018 and/or 2017 too?

A season of waiting?
A season of healing?
A season of dealing with ________?
A season of discovering?
A season of moving/lots of change?
A season of accepting?
A season of dismantling?
A season of letting go?
A season of settling the long held unsettled?
A season of new deep insights?
A season of rebuilding?

Forgiveness. Insight. Expansion. Open-hearted healing on many levels has been asked of us. Write a letter of release to 2018. Welcome the space for new beginnings for 2019.

Yes, and energy of transcendence that will birth a brighter light of living inside you… propelling you into “Living Your Prosperity Promise” for your next new chapters ahead. You are inside the healing and transformation you need at this time.

Focus for December Full Moon:

1. Release & Renounce
Release and let go. Renounce what is no longer yours to carry. Renounce what is no longer your way to be that came in the form of conditioning or something that collected upon you.

2. Celebrate & Connect
You were brought into existence with celebration and no hesitation. Now is your time to connect to your honor. Connect within. Connect around. Be a part of the connection of all life that seeks the natural inclusion. Where you have felt forgotten, connect again. You belong in the celebration of your life.

3. Light & Bright
This marks the season to enter into the light and bright. Wherever you are in the world or whatever personal season your life has been in. We are in the time that is turning into new direction with expansion. It is up to you to name it. Use the power time of sacred ritual to write it right (pen to paper - Antenna to God/Source/Creation/Universe). Let the elements of your core nature ignite the light and brighten the nature of you.

Allow yourself to be embraced by the energy that is your core aligning expression of congruence for your own “Prosperity Promise” that is already inside you. Find your sacred time this weekend to create your ritual. Rites of passage help carry us. All of life works in a beautiful rhythm of cycles/seasons.
Let’s claim your new season.

Happy Miraculous Holidays & the Fullness of Light!
Shine On ~

December Moon 2018 Intention

by Anne Ribley | 15 Minutes

Worthiness is at the very heart of life.

Restore the connection to your inherent worthiness and experience your profound shift into sufficiency.  Let no barrier block you from claiming your divine birthright to be worthy.

Get the collection now and use the journal prompts for the moon ritual. 

With this collection, you can start with these simple practices of remembering what is already there for you and watch the miracle of your life to thrive in a new way as you stand with the posture of your divine birthright to flourish with your natural worthiness.

Preview of the Affirming Worthiness Meditation

by Anne Ribley | 15 Minutes