January 1st/2nd 2018

Super Full Moon

Happy New You ~ Happy New Year

Start the new year with a boosting charge as the supermoon synchronizes with the start of the new year. Use the transforming power of the Full Moon Ritual to set up a remarkable year ahead.

The Super Full Moon comes as the third consecutive supermoon at the start of the new year. You can use this powerful synchronization to help super-charge all the resolutions of change you desire to make in 2018.

No one has been exempt from an extraordinary cycle or season of change this past year of 2017. Everyone everywhere has faced real change in the worldly arena and in their personal universe whether it be with relationships, finances, career shifts or a sudden natural calamity.

You can reduce the overwhelm and resistance to the needed changes being asked for in 2018 by starting the year out with a ritual.

As Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love, says, “I’ve talked many times about the importance of ceremony and ritual, in order to mark the most critical transitions of our personal stories. Ceremonies are intended to carry you safely through your changes (happy or sad, welcome or tragic) and to make sure that you don’t get lost between one chapter of your life and the next. If you skip the ceremony, sometimes it’s difficult to safely process the transformation.”

Giving completion to the past cycle or season, we can start with an energizing ritual during Super Full Moon on January 1st. This can help create a natural springboard to give us the needed godspeed to manifesting dreams of 2018.

The end of the 2017 winds down as we come out of a Mercury Retrograde, an intense time of reflecting, rewinding, reviewing, and course correcting. The good news is that we are being greeted with the Super Full Moon on January 1st/2nd and a blue moon on January 31st. We are experiencing a rich month of readiness for 2018. These monthly rituals can be used not only right now but throughout the entire year to bring forth blessings, healing, transformation and powerful manifesting intentions.

January 2018 Full Moon Focus:

(1.) Taking responsibility and deepening the true roots of growth. This is the time to shed the stories that have stifled you. Let your spirit rise to shine by intensifying what is true and real in growth for your own blossoming heart. You are the one you have been waiting for, and everything you need is within reach of you. You won’t be held back from your own ability to thrive and prosper in your purpose and gifts.

Come home to yourself, and make your life’s plan from there. Your true home is not a place; it’s showing up to your truest self and letting that be nourished.

(2.) Let go of the distraction, drama, stories and positions that keep you locked in a perspective of lack, constriction or righteousness. There has been a lot of dismantling, dissolving and falling away of what isn’t working so that a bigger plan may emerge. Can you surrender others, yourself and situations to the Universal Loving Presence/God/Creation and trust that life’s good is not being withheld?

Life’s natural good is seeking to find you, and you are worthy to receive it. Can you remove the distraction, disconnection and drama that drowns out your soul’s light of expression?

(3.) Determine your devotional direction for 2018. Pick the single most important theme for your new year to anchor your growth around. Surrender the shadow issues that keep haunting you. Bring the fire to what inspires you to support your new year’s theme. Commit to a new ritual that will grow the roots and foundation deeper and stronger for you.

Create your Miraculous Full Moon Ritual & Welcome 2018 Dreams.

Let the fullness of your dreams shine on in 2018.
Happy New Year.
Happy New You!

January Super Full Moon New Year 2018

by Anne Ribley | 18 Minutes

Transformational Tools for Your New Year Ritual on the Super Full Moon for 2018

Use any or all of the following transformational processes or questions to clear the way for the remarkable you to shine through in the new year.

Reflection questions for getting inside what you really want for 2018. 

Reflection questions for disconnecting energetic entanglements from the past to help bring in new beginnings.

5 Easy Steps for Creating Your Full Moon Ritual Webinar