July Moon FBNew Moon Today! Take time to do your Manifesting New Moon Ritual this weekend! Find your sacred space to honor your hopes and dreams that are ready to come to light. Do you feel the pull right now? It’s a pull that stirs the heart, thoughts, desires and aspirations in areas that want change, impact and emergence into our lives? It is a common pattern these areas will stir more than usual around the time of the full/new moon alignment. Around the new moon we may feel it in a range of ways as agitation, restlessness, overwhelm, excitement or even elation. It’s the glowing light of the something inside us that wants to be brought out into our lives. The common saying “when the stars align” isn’t a random idea. Isn’t that a great way to live? In alignment “where the stars align” in our personal worlds and miraculous possibilities emerge out in our lives. The Manifesting New Moon Ritual gives us a way with actionable intention and prayer to tap into our own miraculous nature. Easily allowing a natural alignment with inner and outer worlds and the light of our dreams. Bring to light, the seeds of your soul’s desires for planting into your world of possibility.

Create your “write it right” list (antenna to God, Source, Universe).

What’s your energizing word that encompasses what you would like to bring to light right now in your life?

We are in a natural receptive cycle.

What are you now ready to be a good receiver of?

Write some empowering statements such as:

I am ready to receive ________. I am open to receive ________. I am worthy of ___________.

My energizing word is _______. Let it be!

Create your sacred space. Light your candle and declare fully “BeCome”! May your heart open wider and your possibilities expand. Let your light shine into the world! Shine on ~ Namaste, Anne

Live Miraculous Manifesting Teleseminar REPLAY

by Anne Ribley | Sunday, July 27, 2014 - Appx 60 minutes

Big thank you to all who showed up and participated in the Miraculous Manifesting Teleseminar on Sunday! Thank for all your beautiful messages and emails. All of you who missed it, here is the replay — take a listen, it will be worth your time! Heart Smiles, Anne

Miraculous Impact

Making Miraculous Impact Journey 4 Moon Cycles & 6 Weeks

Join me now, as we are in this powerful boosting time through September to create momentum with your manifesting desires. 

  • Design your very own “Signature Soul Stamina” plan.
  • Move into the manifesting momentum that happens as you align to what your life is calling for you to become!
  • Experience your miraculous impact in all those areas that are important to you now.
  • Allow easy clarity to carry you toward your next best steps for what you need at this time.

Session Open

When: July 28th - Sept 8th

(Begins Following New Moon ~ Ends Full Moon)

Would love to have you join me on the journey…

Not too late to join - Registration ends August 10th

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