A fresh start is here. Long-held barriers are now breaking down.
This weekend begins the first of three consecutive supermoons. Access the powerful activation for April ready to shape. A new you is emerging. A new expansion is calling forward for your soul. Express what is yours to come alive. Supermoons amplify even stronger the magnetic field that is around and surrounds. Movement and activation is primed for your fresh start.
March Super Full Moon Focus:
1. EMERGE. EXPAND. EXPRESS. Barriers are now breaking down. Your inner intentions and desires that have been blocked or locked are softening with the hard edges of protection for your soul desired seeds to break-thru and emerge. Name the release, and claim your clearing.
Write it right - Pen to Paper ✍️🗒 (Antenna to God, Universe, Life, Source, Universal Loving Presence) it’s time to rise and reach toward your ready expansion. You have been feeling it. Honor it.
2. RELEASE & RISE: Clear the space with what needs to be released. Let go and don’t carry forward what has been holding you back or keeping you stuck. Let yourself reach for what is ready to rise for you.
3. FRESH START: A whole new version and life chapter is making a fresh start for you. Let yourself show up to the new vision speaking through you. You are evolving into a truer version of what your life wants you to become.
Shine on your fresh start!
Great questions to take into your Super Full Moon Ritual.
What am I hiding from myself that needs to come out in the light?
Where have I been hiding in life?
Get honest and let go, release for the big brand new story coming through for you. Have the honest conversation with yourself or with the area of your life needing it. Following the March Supermoon is April Activation bringing so much alive. Your clear intentions are the foundation for the new future calling you forward with huge leaps and bounds in a whole new story. 

Creating Sacred Space for Rituals

by Anne Ribley | Meditative Words & Music for Rituals

Creating Sacred Space for Rituals

by Anne Ribley | Meditative Words & Music for Rituals