Everyone Has Their Limp

Everyone Has Their Limp I walk with a limp. It’s an interesting limp, subtle yet evident. Often times people who don’t know me can’t quite pinpoint the cause. The hip? A recent injury? The knee? The ankle? A prothesis? It’s uniquely mine. We all have our limps. It might not show up in our walk that displays our history with our structural bodies. It shows up uniquely to everyone in its combination of circumstances that have formed aspects of how we live, interact and orient in our lives. Every one of us has areas that are strong - abilities, ways, talents or traits that come easily through our own innate gifts or natural survival instincts. Some of these strengths might really be serving us, some of these adapted survival instincts could be costing us. For example, those of us who have developed strong independence for survival might also have trouble being a good receiver. I am a big possibility person. Yes, I believe there are always more possibilities for ourselves available for ourselves than we realize. I think we often discount our own possibilities too quickly, or we give our power away to others and accept their version of possibilities for ourselves. A couple years ago when I got a new prosthetic limb with advanced technology in my foot, I went to the physical therapist to help smooth out my gait (reduce my limp) as much as possible. Three powerful things happened when I took physical therapy. One, I was able to be full weight bearing on my right leg for 2.5 seconds which is something I had not...

Scarcity to Prosperity – Claiming Your Sovereignty!

Scarcity leads to many depleting states of being. These appear as unhappiness, isolation, exhaustion, joylessness , overwhelm, not enough, needing more, stressed, out of balance, enslaved, depressed, irritable, impatient and more. Claim your authority to shift into your natural prosperous state, ask for what you need, become open to receive it and live from the truth of you. Learn how to make a shift in this episode of Empower11 radio.

Harness the Power of the Pause! Magical!

I hope this weekend you give yourself some allotment of your magical power of the pause. I know I am. So much energy and changes have been circling in my life almost non-stop for weeks. Jack returned home after being gone for two months this weekend. Other than posting/emailing my radio show, I am using this weekend to unplug, pause and connect. I am doing all those ordinary things that bring joy to me and my loved ones that don’t require a screen. Takes no genius to quickly observe that everything around says… more, more more! Do more. Try more. Get more. Have more. Be more. Yet, we live in a time where more people are frazzled, stressed and depressed within this cultural frenzy of non-rest and always needing more. Get energy. Get answers. Get clarity. Get the authentic power that is available in your moments of the pause. Pick an hour, a day or whatever amount of time you are able to pause and unplug. You will feel some inspiring magic arise from giving yourself some stillness. Join the conversation and invoke your power of the...

Moving From Fear to Trust Today!

Shifting from a “Fear Based Paradigm to a Trust Based Paradigm” liberates. Each step towards our natural trusting state we take the less anxiety, worry, stress and confusion we experience. Trust builds confidence. Powerful life confidence comes to those who walk deeper into their trusting paradigm with life, love, success, purpose and connection. Join the conversation and explore how you can shift today and deepen your...

Serendipity & Miracles

You can tap into your magical flow of serendipity and miracles. When possibility exceeds expected outcomes. When dreams magically intersect and manifest. When the serendipitous nature of life favors unforeseen advantages and surprises. Join the conversation to explore how you can invite more serendipity and miracles into your life.

You Are A Miracle

Form the intentions of the miraculous creations you would like to be in the experience of... https://anneribley.com/time-to-dream-your-intentions-to-life/Posted by Anne Ribley, Writer - Inspiration Trails on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 You Are A Miracle! You were born a miracle You are STILL a miracle unfolding Always keep remembering the miracles you are worthy to receive, Starting right...