July New Moon gives us the weekend time to super-charge your manifesting intentions with a New Moon Ritual ~ 7 easy steps New Moon Ritual. July New Moon gives a dive deep into our emotional waters of what is needed to plant seeds of intention. We are being invited to connect with our inner world of intuition, and inner guidance with honoring our emotional needs to navigate our dreams. It’s a time for aligning new intentions and goals with soul that aligns our actions with our deepest desires. July Manifesting New Moon: 1. Moving with New Energyet Your Intentions. Embrace the fluid, intuitive energy of the current cycle which is filled with the element of water. Allow yourself to flow with new emotional currents and fresh inspirations. What new paths are calling to you? 2. Deep Desired Intentions & Setting BIGGER Visions.We are setting the tone of the second half of 2024 and the deep desired intentions stirring inside ask for bigger visions. Dive deep into your heart’s true desires. What grand visions are you ready to nurture and manifest? Remember, your emotions are powerful creators - let your heart guide you to expand your dreams beyond what you may think is even possible. 3. Progress with Prosperity. The energy is fertile to cultivate abundance in all forms. How can you take concrete steps toward your vision of success and fulfillment? Consider the small, consistent actions you can gain momentum with that can lead to significant growth over time. This is an invitation to nurture your dreams with patience and persistence. This New Moon nurtures the...
New Moon -Energizing Equinox Energy, March 27th. Harness the natural balancing effects of the energizing equinox energy during this powerful time by claiming and naming your manifesting wishes, hopes and dreams. (More on the New Moon Ritual here: http://goo.gl/leRp8H + get details on special FB LIVE event to help you prepare.)
Manifesting New Moon Ritual ~ Tuesday, November 29th 2016 ~ (7 easy steps for the New Moon Ritual: goo.gl/leRp8H)
Refresh. Reset. Renew.
Enough of the dark and heavy shadow energy that has been looming for a long lingering cycle! It’s time to stretch into the meaningful and significant light of dreams and intentions. Let’s begin within each of our own hearts and souls.
Nourish your soul. Relax into the acceptance for where you are today, so that you may plant the seeds for what’s next in the grounded soil of your life.
Begin a new start. Look to the year ahead. What are you envisioning for yourself? Time to think bigger. Put plans into place. Expand the energy around areas that have been stuck by bringing out the light of deeper intention-based dreams.
3 Focus Steps for the November New Moon Ritual:
~ Manifesting New Moon on Sunday, October 30th ~ This weekend is perfect timing for a powerful reflection. As we close down one month and welcome another. We are cycling into a new seasonal time. Synchronize your soul to your personal manifesting season. (More on the New Moon Ritual here: http://goo.gl/leRp8H)
Ready to heal and transform some important life area?
The nature of you and the nature around you has answers for you to connect into — for you own connection and congruence. Authentic alignment. An exquisite energy expansion. Make your connection with the grace that wants to give to you. Use this synchronizing time to be included into your own magical manifesting possibilities.
“The wilderness had a clarity that included me.” – Cheryl Strayed
Take time to get clear on your manifesting intentions.
Creating Closure with New Creations.
You will naturally find past written chapters of your life ready to close as your consciousness and life connection opens you stronger to the new creations you know you need to take.
2. Reconnecting. Reclaiming. Receiving.
You are now reconnecting to something that has been ready and is activating for you. Time to reclaim the connection to what you are ready to receive. This is a very relevant time to “name it and claim it”.
3. Accelerating Intentions Into Reality.
You are in the process of accelerating your deeply desired intentions into real form. Your living reality. Make time to give attention to your intentions and what you want to manifest now will accelerate toward your reality.
Make your “write it right” list, antenna to God, pen to paper and also find the energy word that expresses and encompasses it. Allow your manifesting word to become the flag you set on your sacred ground for your personal cycle ahead.
Write some empowering statements on your “write it right” list:
My energizing word of manifesting intention for this cycle is______.
I give closure to ________.
I give attention to the new creation of __________.
I reclaim the repressed part of me ready to _________.
I am open to receive ____________.
Accelerating into reality to support my highest good is ___________.
Enter your personal season with deliberate attention to your intentions. Light your candle and declare fully “BeCome” to what’s in your heart. What is whispering from your soul? What is calling to you from your life?
May the love and light in you shine bright!
~ June 4/5th ~ Manifesting New Moon You can welcome a powerful weekend of intention making for your manifesting dreams and possibilities with power of the New Moon Ritual. Now we enter the second half of this 2016 year. What’s the energy intention you will bring? Right now is a powerful cycle to breath in abundance. Connect to your alignment of abundance. Let this weekend place you into the powerful transformational position of expanding possibility. A breath of generous abundance. Use the spiritual practice of the Manifesting New Moon Ritual to let any energies of disappointment, scarcity, lack, or feeling stuck be shifted into your light of possibility. Let your life’s possibilities and dreams come to light. Shadows dissolve in the light. Now is the time. JUNE Manifesting New Moon Focus: 1. CLEARING THE COMMUNICATION Discerning the truth through clearing the communication. It’s now time for having a heart to heart of what you deeply desire to create, manifest with your heart’s truth. Having a heart to heart begins with your heart. Let the clarity of clearing the communication move you stronger in your core of certainty. Truth connects to certainty and builds soul stamina. 2. VALUE. VALUE. VALUE. It’s an intense time of tuning into value. Core Values. Value of self. Value of self-love. Value of self-worth. Let this new moon cycle be a source of nourishing your soul with the truth of your life’s worthy value. 3. FRESH & NEW. Follow the fresh new beginnings ready to support your path. No matter what karmic situation you find yourself in at this very moment. You can pull on...
~ Manifesting Super New Moon ~ March 8-9, 2016 + Transformational Eclipse Energy! March will be the first of three consecutive Super New Moons (March, April, and May). Prepare for this boosting time to super-charge your intentions & manifesting aspirations. What is the transformational energy available for you during this powerful “Solar Eclipse - Super New Moon”? You can UNLOCK blocked doorways that hold deeply held desires that you want to be manifested. First, however, you will have to walk through the darker doorway of your “shadow self” as you move to the light of your dreams. Recently, if you have noticed any painful patterns surface, recognize that as your call to heal and transform with a profound sustaining shift that is now ready to be transformed. For March’s Super New Moon: Meditate. Be still. Give yourself sacred time to reflect. Let the seeds of your dreams settle into your soul. Literally, nature is mirroring how to transform during this current cycle as the moon aligns with the earth and the sun to create a solar eclipse representing the dark night of the soul and movement into the light. Since this is the first of three Super New Moons in a row, (3 is a high manifesting and sticking pattern/number), having clarity with your soul-inspired actions and intentions can unlock your blocked life areas. You can shed the karmic blocks. Activate your aspirations with awareness that aligns with your well-being and brings new light to your manifesting dreams. Stuck energy is only energy that has been compressed. As it becomes unblocked and unlocked, an energy release will shift and spring needed...