The magnetic energy of the moon being closest to earth in 2019 is a powerful boost to propel the healing and transformation that you need right now. You can create a practice/ritual for miraculous healing.

Take the time to allow yourself to tap into what is ready for a leap forward with transformation. Synchronize and align with your nature, “write it right” with pen to paper, antenna to God. Release, liberate, and transform with the Miraculous Full Moon Ritual.


1. RELEASING INTO RENEWAL. Trapped unresolved energy that is ready for release is surfacing individually and collectively. We can observe it inwardly and outwardly in our lives, and we are each being called to release the trapped threads of trauma, pain, suffering or stuck energy that is bubbling up for release. In allowing the ease of release, we also “turn on” the shift of renewal that is ready.

2. GETTING UNSTUCK AND INTEGRATING UPLIFTING EXPANSION. Energy that has been trapped for long periods of time, or even through generations of time, that has been passed on or pressed upon us is loosening up its constriction allowing new integrating uplifting energy expansion. We can see the evidence in worldly affairs. Look into your own life, and use the practice/ritual to honor the energy that desires to be unstuck. It’s in the release of energy that we open for inspiration and integration. Let yourself experience a new realm of uplifting expansion.

3. COMPLETING CYCLES. The moon is one of the most powerful natural keepers of cycles and completion. And this SUPER full moon is an extremely energy boosting time for the completing of a cycle that feels long-held and entrapping. The honoring of the completion and letting go frees up and liberates tremendous energy. There is an unseen super-charging energy that activates in the releasing of a cycle. A powerful momentum that is new and deeply transformative is shifting. Connect to complete.

Let yourself “name and claim” your release for renewal. Surge with the super-charged energy expansion that is here. Connect. Write it right (pen to paper — antenna to God/Source) with the sacred act of intention, and bring to the light that which is ready to emerge and transform your life.
You are worthy of your dreams.
You are worthy to expand in your life.
You are worthy to have your heart smile.
Connection is everything.
Connect to the renewal in the cycle that is here for you.

Shine On ~

Super Moon Intention

by Anne Ribley | 15 Minutes

Worthiness is at the very heart of life.

Restore the connection to your inherent worthiness and experience your profound shift into sufficiency.  Let no barrier block you from claiming your divine birthright to be worthy.

Get the collection now and use the journal prompts for the moon ritual. Bringing your attention to raising your worthiness begins to renew your natural alignment to manifest with prosperity in every life area.

With this collection, you can start with these simple practices of remembering what is already there for you and watch the miracle of your life to thrive in a new way as you stand with the posture of your divine birthright to flourish with your natural worthiness.

Preview of the Affirming Worthiness Meditation

by Anne Ribley | 15 Minutes

It’s Back by Popular Demand for a Short Production Run…

The Monday Mantra Limited Edition Gift Bundle. 

Due to a large corporate order we are doing another short run with the publisher if you didn’t get to order your Monday Mantra Card Gift Bundle.

Grab yours fast before they sell out again.

Truly a fabulous gift to give for a little over $20.
Every card is filled with incredible love and power. 
Included in the gift bundle set is a pocket mantra book of a full year of 52 mantras, one for every week. The feedback has been consistent that the bundles are even more beautiful in the real as you hold them in your hands.

Plus each gift bag comes with a unique synchronicity stone with a power word to give that right message at the right time and meaning of energy to work with throughout the year with the mantras.