SUPERMOON Full Moon With Lunar Eclipse Transformational Energy.

Create your ritual to open 2019 clear and connected.?Full Moon Ritual.

Super. Boosting. Full of magnetism. Activating powerful alignment. The first full moon of 2019 begins as a super, boosting one with a total lunar eclipse giving us the blood (red) moon. Use this weekend to create a sacred ritual for this power-time, and tune into this highly sensitive and magnetizing time to clear the slate and claim the new cycles ahead.

The eclipse season that began early last year brought on a powerful wave of change on many levels. For anyone who has gone through great change or is ready to step forward in a big expanded way, now is the time to prepare for unlocking what has been closed off, and you feel the soul inspired desires in a whole new way calling you forward. 

Focus for January Super Full Moon (Blood):

1. Clearing & Clarity

Unlock the blocks that have closed you off to some life area or situation where you are feeling stuck or just needing expansion and up-leveling. There is a clarity that is now coming through, and you hold the key to unlock what has been blocked. Let this power time clear the path for you to claim the new clarity of your authentic aspirations.

2. Releasing Old & New Receiving

Long-held patterns that haven’t been supportive or have collected are ready to be released. No denying or dancing around what has been!  The stops and blocks are now clearing for what has been in the way. As you release, you clear the space. As you open up space, you make room for the new to come through. 

3. Heart of Connection Shows the Shadow to Go

Claim the lost, distant or fragmented parts of yourself that belong to the soul-inspired connection of you. Take time to identify what has been lurking in the unaware shadow realm, and let it enter the heart connection of what is true for you.

Write it right (antenna to God/Source). Create your ritual of release and bring the willingness to shine the light on the shadow energies/entanglements for any blocked or locked life area that you want to activate.

Your true heart connection will emerge as it relates to the areas that have felt blocked or locked. Be prepared to feel the natural movement toward favorable synchronistic blessings. Most importantly, clear the space to make room for the new to come through. This can be an astounding year filled with powerful, activating, authentic dreams and desires. 

Also, it will be important to drink lots of water over this upcoming week while we are in such a sensitive boosting energetic time for transformation. 

Release. Let go. New beginnings are here. Not a single planet is retrograde right now. All the revisits of the past patterning/conditions that were returning for their clearing is opening up a movement forward.

Raise your willingness and worthiness to receive.

Let your light shine. Release the blocks to open your receiving.

Shine On ~

January Moon 2018 Intention

by Anne Ribley | 15 Minutes

Worthiness is at the very heart of life.

Restore the connection to your inherent worthiness and experience your profound shift into sufficiency.  Let no barrier block you from claiming your divine birthright to be worthy.

Get the collection now and use the journal prompts for the moon ritual. Bringing your attention to raising your worthiness begins to renew your natural alignment to manifest with prosperity in every life area.

With this collection, you can start with these simple practices of remembering what is already there for you and watch the miracle of your life to thrive in a new way as you stand with the posture of your divine birthright to flourish with your natural worthiness.

Preview of the Affirming Worthiness Meditation

by Anne Ribley | 15 Minutes

During this amazing 4 session program, I’m going to give you all the tools and techniques you need to help you finally get the clarity you need, get clear on your “WHY”, and most of all…tap into your INNER power source to manifest your #1 soul inspired goal and make it your reality!

“This will be your go-to soul inspired goal BLUEPRINT that you can use anytime you wish not only now… as well in the future!”

It’s Back by Popular Demand for a Short Production Run…

The Monday Mantra Limited Edition Gift Bundle. 

Due to a large corporate order we are doing another short run with the publisher if you didn’t get to order your Monday Mantra Card Gift Bundle.

Grab yours fast before they sell out again.

Truly a fabulous gift to give for a little over $20.
Every card is filled with incredible love and power. 
Included in the gift bundle set is a pocket mantra book of a full year of 52 mantras, one for every week. The feedback has been consistent that the bundles are even more beautiful in the real as you hold them in your hands.

Plus each gift bag comes with a unique synchronicity stone with a power word to give that right message at the right time and meaning of energy to work with throughout the year with the mantras.