June 2016 New Moon Ritual

  ~ June 4/5th ~ Manifesting New Moon  You can welcome a powerful weekend of intention making for your manifesting dreams and possibilities with power of the New Moon Ritual.  Now we enter the second half of this 2016 year. What’s the energy intention you will bring? Right now is a powerful cycle to breath in abundance.  Connect to your alignment of abundance.  Let this weekend place you into the powerful transformational position of expanding possibility.  A breath of generous abundance. Use the spiritual practice of the Manifesting New Moon Ritual to let any energies of disappointment, scarcity, lack, or feeling stuck be shifted into your light of possibility. Let your life’s possibilities and dreams come to light. Shadows dissolve in the light. Now is the time. JUNE Manifesting New Moon Focus: 1. CLEARING THE COMMUNICATION Discerning the truth through clearing the communication. It’s now time for having a heart to heart of what you deeply desire to create, manifest with your heart’s truth. Having a heart to heart begins with your heart. Let the clarity of clearing the communication move you stronger in your core of certainty. Truth connects to certainty and builds soul stamina. 2. VALUE. VALUE. VALUE. It’s an intense time of tuning into value. Core Values. Value of self. Value of self-love. Value of self-worth. Let this new moon cycle be a source of nourishing your soul with the truth of your life’s worthy value. 3. FRESH & NEW. Follow the fresh new beginnings ready to support your path. No matter what karmic situation you find yourself in at this very moment. You can pull on...
Manifesting Super New Moon, March 8-9th with “Solar Transformational Eclipse Energy”!

Manifesting Super New Moon, March 8-9th with “Solar Transformational Eclipse Energy”!

~ Manifesting Super New Moon ~ March 8-9, 2016 + Transformational Eclipse Energy! March will be the first of three consecutive Super New Moons (March, April, and May). Prepare for this boosting time to super-charge your intentions & manifesting aspirations. What is the transformational energy available for you during this powerful “Solar Eclipse - Super New Moon”? You can UNLOCK blocked doorways that hold deeply held desires that you want to be manifested. First, however, you will have to walk through the darker doorway of your “shadow self” as you move to the light of your dreams. Recently, if you have noticed any painful patterns surface, recognize that as your call to heal and transform with a profound sustaining shift that is now ready to be transformed. For March’s Super New Moon: Meditate.  Be still. Give yourself sacred time to reflect. Let the seeds of your dreams settle into your soul. Literally, nature is mirroring how to transform during this current cycle as the moon aligns with the earth and the sun to create a solar eclipse representing the dark night of the soul and movement into the light. Since this is the first of three Super New Moons in a row, (3 is a high manifesting and sticking pattern/number), having clarity with your soul-inspired actions and intentions can unlock your blocked life areas. You can shed the karmic blocks. Activate your aspirations with awareness that aligns with your well-being and brings new light to your manifesting dreams. Stuck energy is only energy that has been compressed. As it becomes unblocked and unlocked, an energy release will shift and spring needed...

February 2016 Full Moon Ritual

   February Full Moon Ritual ~ Monday, February 22nd ~ You can deepen your connection to the healing and transformation that is ready for you with the Miraculous Full Moon Ritual. PLUS, you’ll receive an invitation to a Live Teleseminar on Sunday to teach you to prepare a Ritual to Release the Resistance. As we enter into this strong boosting energy of the Miraculous Full Moon, we are being asked to “release the resistance” so that we may give “lift off” to our dreams.  Turn it up to 11. For a rocket to launch into space it must first move past all the resistance holding it back. Once a rocket accelerates to the point of 11 kilometers per second, it reaches a “lift off” status and stays in the air with momentum. Similarly, there is a point in our lives, I like to call “turning life up to 11”. Congruence. Alignment. Letting the oneness of our inner and outer energies resonate so strongly, we can create an energy exchange with our world that allows us to move past fragmented, dissipating or stuck energies holding us back.  This full moon brings you an invitation to let go and release your resistance to “lift off” in your life - letting go of any area of resistance that you feel has held you back and reducing your disempowering states of dissipating energy. We all have them. We are about to enter into 3 consecutive Super New Moons (March, April, and May) when manifesting energy will offer you a super-charging boost toward your dreams. Let yourself get into a resonating alignment with your...
February 2016 New Moon Ritual

February 2016 New Moon Ritual

  Manifesting New Moon Ritual February 8, 2016 Let your light shine on the heart of what matters. It is time to open your heartfelt treasure chest of dreams. Give attention to your intentions. Create miraculous momentum.  Are you ready to catch the wave of miraculous momentum for 2016? It’s here if you can get to the heart of what matters and allow it to mend. In recent times, we have all been going through quite a bumpy energy ride to “mend what matters”. February’s new moon cycle can give a significant change of heart. We can open fuller to what we have been longing for in the heart of our own matters. During this powerful time of new beginnings, you can give intention and shine the light to help facilitate your own mending. For each of us, it will be in different arenas of our lives calling forth a deep mending to what matters. We witness it as many worldly powers are being called to task and asked how to “mend what matters”. It’s at the forefront of the political debates. It’s at the forefront of eco-climate conversations. It’s at the forefront of our humanity. It’s right now in our relationships to each other and planet Earth. I know for myself, it feels like it has been in every sector of my life personally and with my family. Keep “mending what matters” has been the mantra of healing and change for me lately. Whether it has been from broken bones, to injured arms or a new leg for me. That’s touching only the physical realm for me too....

February 2016 New Moon Ritual

  Manifesting New Moon Ritual  ~ Monday, February 8th, 2015 ~ Let your light shine on the heart of what matters. It is time to open your heartfelt treasure chest of dreams. Give attention to your intentions. Create miraculous momentum. Are you ready to catch the wave of miraculous momentum for 2016? It’s here if you can get to the heart of what matters and allow it to mend. In recent times, we have all been going through quite a bumpy energy ride to “mend what matters”. February’s new moon cycle can give a significant change of heart. We can open fuller to what we have been longing for in the heart of our own matters. During this powerful time of new beginnings, you can give intention and shine the light to help facilitate your own mending. For each of us, it will be in different arenas of our lives calling forth a deep mending to what matters.  We witness it as many worldly powers are being called to task and asked how to “mend what matters”. It’s at the forefront of the political debates. It’s at the forefront of eco-climate conversations. It’s at the forefront of our humanity. It’s right now in our relationships to each other and planet Earth. I know for myself, it feels like it has been in every sector of my life personally and with my family. Keep “mending what matters” has been the mantra of healing and change for me lately. Whether it has been from broken bones, to injured arms or a new leg for me. That’s touching only the physical realm for...