January 2016 Full Moon Ritual

January 2016 Full Moon Ritual

We start the new year with such clarity of how we want to be different and better. If you haven’t felt a super-charging momentum or manifesting change for 2016 yet, no worries. You are not alone and this weekend can be a shifting point as we move through the first full moon of this year and move out of the mercury retrograde period.
Reflect. Release. Renew.
Activate more strongly the clarity of your transforming change. Let the certainty in your soul shine. This weekend can bring a release with the resistance that blocks your truest heart’s direction. A lighten up and letting go. Let all old resentments be freed from your energy field.
Liberate the light of your soul!

Prosperity Prophecy Mantra

Prosperity Prophecy Mantra

I Allow My Prosperity Prophecy to Live Through Me! Speak to the power already residing inside you that naturally will propel you toward your prosperous conditions. Activate the clarity. Call forth your Divine action. You are meant to feel love, be in love and living a life of love. You are meant to thrive with life. You are destined to be a part of the overflowing abundant energy that is not a withholding Source. Living in your prosperity prophecy is about getting into your lane of GRACE with your life. With your hand over your heart allow the ownership of the mantra… {{ I allow my prosperity prophecy to live through me}} …to marinate deeper into you. Align to your prosperous prophecy for 2016

October 2015 New Moon Ritual

New Moon ~ October 12-13th 2015 ~ Bring to light your dreams! Every day gives new discoveries. Every new moon cycle gives new beginnings for manifesting intentions. The monthly spiritual practice of the Manifesting New Moon Ritual can facilitate miraculous impact and transformational change in your life. We have weathered some strong energy seasons over the past few months with supermoons, several strong eclipses, plus mercury retrograde having its stirring energy effects on communication. These combinations may have caused some life reckoning that now begs to be brought into balance. Now is that time to “write it right”! Access what is now ready for some internal settling for you. Use this manifesting time to break free from heavy stifling energies. A natural lifting will happen with the inquiry. Are you ready… To turn toward the truth of your heart’s knowing? To let your soul speak? To connect to your life’s dreams? To bring attention to your heart’s real and true intentions? Now is the time for not holding back what is ready to be written into your life by you… for you and… WITH you. You are not alone. You are already connected to your greatest possibilities to be reconciled, restored and manifested into form. Take the sacred time to “write it right” (pen to paper), antenna to God/Source, the Universe and bridge the connection of your inner world with your outer world for your beautiful rich life. You are an intentional spark of creation with an immeasurable innate capacity to unfold in GREATNESS. Take the time to let your light shine in your heart’s treasures of truth. Feel the...

The Power of the Full Moon Ritual

~ The Miraculous Full Moon Ritual ~ It’s a natural synchronizing time for your soul. Letting go and making room for what’s ready to transform. The full moon cycle offers a time of major life shifts. Letting deeply suppressed protective layers to be released. Opening up for something fresh and new. Allowing the transformation and healing that is deeply desired from the core of YOU to break-thru! You, me, all of us are similar to that flower, blade of grass that never forgets to grow toward the light. Remember your inner knowingness. Break-thru any of those layers and heavy barriers that have shown up as limiting beliefs, hurtful experiences, life let downs, painful past traumas and continue to BECOME that flower or blade of grass that finds the path to the light on the other side of the thick heavy asphalt/cement. The vulnerable grass blade or flower doesn’t spring up through the crack in the asphalt by a domination of force. It gets on the other side by the natural innate life force to break-thru. Unfurl. Unfold. Reach out. Open up. Incremental movements toward the light. The natural evolution to thrive. If you have felt a real surge of swirling robust energy circulating in your life lately. Know that you are not alone. We are a connected Universe. The moon is moving in the full position, a highly amplified time of time of alignment, boosting the movement of energy. Ocean tides will be peaking high. What’s moving in the high position of priority for you to heal and transform in your life right now? The core heart of what...

September 2015 Super Full Moon Ritual

SUPER Full Moon + Total Lunar Eclipse ~ Sunday, Sept 27th ~ BIG. BOLD. New Beginnings. Harvest Full Moon. Create your Miraculous Full Moon Ritual and connect to this powerful energy surge to propel you strongly into harvesting your new growth cycle.

September New Moon 2015

~ Manifesting New Moon Ritual ~ Sunday, September 13th Time to check in with your intentions for creation. Set and reflect on your prayers, dreams and wishes you want to manifest.  This weekend is filled with highly magnetizing energy to energize your dreams. It’s a power-packed NEW MOON between SUPER FULL MOONS with an upcoming “Mercury Retrograde” period following. The Manifesting New Moon Ritual is a soulful ritual that will make your heart’s desired manifestations truly magical! I spent part of my weekend in Santa Barbara for a previewing of Oprah’s new BELIEF series. Oprah is so proud of this global series. It’s all about the uniting of the connection and meaning we all seek through our rituals and practices regardless of age, race, culture or nationality. The Manifesting New Moon Ritual has the same common thread of connection. Become a part of an extraordinary global event every month on the evening of the new moon, when we collectively set our personal intentions by manifesting the light of our hopes and dreams. Let’s light up a million souls around the world! Tell your friends. Join with millions of others, and manifest your dreams with a powerful meditation and prayer ceremony on the night of the new moon. Please share. Only requirement is the heart’s desire to manifest hopes and dreams into the world. “True desire in the heart for anything good is God’s proof to you sent beforehand to indicate that it’s already yours.” ― Denzel Washington Shine on~ Bring your dreams to light! Namaste, Anne     Discover 7 Easy Steps for Manifesting New Moon Ritual ===> Click Here Create...