July 2014 Manifesting New Moon

Super-charge your desired manifestations! New Moon ~ Saturday, July 26th. Bring to light your hopes and dreams. Do you feel the pull right now? It’s a pull that stirs the heart, thoughts, desires and aspirations in areas that want change, impact and emergence into our lives? It is a common pattern these areas will stir more than usual around the time of the full/new moon alignment. Around the new moon we may feel it in a range of ways as agitation, restlessness, overwhelm, excitement or even elation. It’s the glowing light of the something inside us that wants to be brought out into our lives. Nature moves on rhythm and cycles. We optimize our capacities in co-creating in our world as we align with the natural of rhythms and cycles around us. Farmers understand this simple practice following the moon’s cycles when planting seeds to harvest more fully their desired results. We are connected to our world and we can synchronize with the natural effect these cycles bring to boost our manifestations. As we become aware of this natural cycle, we will feel this stirring and pulling that the moon impacts on our sense of being. The common saying “when the stars align” isn’t a random idea. Isn’t that a great way to live? In alignment “where the stars align” in our personal worlds and miraculous possibilities emerge out in our lives. The Manifesting New Moon Ritual gives us a way with actionable intention and prayer to tap into our own miraculous nature. Easily allowing a natural alignment with inner and outer worlds and the light of our dreams....

Reflections on Moon Beams & Heart Smiles

I want to share what you have meant to me. I want to thank you. I want to thank everyone of you. Truly from my heart to yours! Thank you. I spent the past several days working long hours putting together the reminders, the emails and so much of the behind the scene elements for the upcoming full moon content and teleseminars. A lot of outpouring I had been doing for several days, non-stop. It was around midnight, Saturday night and the super moon was shining so bright and magnificent through the glass sliding doors in my office. I sat on the floor silently soaking in radiant moon light. It was only a simple act of  looking up at the moon and a simple smile that stirred something deep in me.  My smile felt different. My smile felt deeply soulful, sweet and sincere. In that moment something came full circle for me. Since I have started sharing the spiritual practice of the Moon Rituals, all of you you have immediately embraced me. Thanked me. Encouraged me. Inspired me. Shared your stories with me in ways I know and ways only my heart does. I get blown away by the beauty of all of you. The worldwide embrace of 50+ countries. The honest humility of each of you, your dreams and intentions. It all came full circle to me as… I recalled something I wrote eight years ago.  Here is the verbatim excerpt from 2006: While I lived in a beautiful home, with the most incredible property, that to the outside world appeared to be a picture perfect life, there had...

Magical Manifesting New Moon

New Moon ~ Friday, June 27, 2014. Time to bring your hopes and dreams to the light! Shine brighter. Write it right. The Manifesting New Moon Ritual is such a simple practice anyone at any age can use to get into clearer alignment with the possibilities that they want to emerge from them. I love doing this as a family. I have watched my 13 year old son rise in baseball this season using the new moon ritual to set his intentions and prayers for and during the season. He made it to “All Stars”. This was big for him because his competition level increased dramatically this season so he aligned internally first with what he wanted to create. I share his story because all our possibilities of hopes and dreams can manifest for us at any age and any stage of our life! With coming out of Mercury Retrograde right now which relates to better communication and more truthful order. I highly encourage everyone to pick their manifesting energy word for this new moon cycle. Make your “write it right” list and find the energy word that encircles it. Anchor the energy desiring to emerge from you now. Write a couple empowering statements on your list such as: My word of manifesting desire is____. I am resonating the power of_____. I am in full reciprocating energy of ____. I am in rapport with ___. Light your candle and declare fully “BeCome”. May the love and light in you shine bright! Wishing you many manifesting dreams. Namaste, Anne P.S. Helpful links: How to do a Manifesting New Moon Ritual...