Take Your Next Best Step

Take Your Next Best Step

Doesn’t matter what problem you face right now. It doesn’t matter how big the mountain you need to climb. It doesn’t matter if it is a small little thing. All your best possibilties will open up to you if you are willing to do the one small act that changes everything, which is to take your next best step!
Want to lose weight? Just take your next best step! Want financial success? Guess what? Take your next best step. Want soulmate love? Walk towards it, take your next best step. Want to get more connected to your dreams? Take your next best step. Get powerful insight to take your next best step with this show

Claim Your Virtual Spiritual Retreat

Claim Your Virtual Spiritual Retreat

If want to shift into a deeper trust in your life, dream big, release deeply held karmic debts that have been holding you back, make a paradigm shift from fear to trust, and harness your magnetizing mantra that speaks to your soul, I encourage you to join the journey of Creating Your Soul Stamina Plan.

Choosing to Be the Change You Wish to See – Welcome 2015

Choosing to Be the Change You Wish to See – Welcome 2015

I embrace family, love family. I am a family person. I come from a big family, and like many others may have experienced, my holidays have been riddled with family dramas. There are so many ways the dramas show up with holiday festivities as opinions, dysfunctions, addictions and long standing antics that mix with pure doses of love and family bonding. Despite all those twists and turns of agendas and dramas that USED to churn their own twists and turns on my insides, I have had the best Christmas and holiday ever. I have spent so much of my life trying to get inside that place where I was untouched by the swirling craziness or lack of it because of disconnection. Neither extreme felt like home to me. There was a time when it felt so hard to get into that place when the very immediate and primary family I was creating began to have unsettling dynamics. My primary family didn’t feel like an “at home peace”. This Christmas has the most confirming to me for the inner work I have done to get here. It took honor, deep truthful self-honor. It was tough, one of the hardest decisions of my life, to step toward what I call, “getting inside my life”. There were so many unknowns I had to cross, especially with having young kids because I wanted to do right by them. I wanted so badly to have health, peace, love and connection in my core family unit. My soul craved it, yearned for it. I longed for that comforting family belonging. Why was it so hard...