~ Miraculous Full Blue Moon July 31st ~



Karmic clearings.

Turning points.

Powerful karmic cycle of new beginnings for you. (5 easy steps to full moon ritual here.)

The July Blue Full Moon comes with gifts of completions and resolutions, and it ushers in an extremely new energy cycle of change. Over the past several weeks leading up to the Miraculous Blue Full Moon, there may have been a lot of churning and stirring of energy that may have felt uncomfortable and unsettling at times. 

The first full moon at the beginning of July was about releasing persistent repetitive resentments and patterns. The persistent karmic layers that may have plagued certain areas of your life with a revolving negative life pattern. Also, there was a balancing of energetic inequalities. Be assured with all awareness of healing release through the month of July, an energetic upgrade is underway. Allow yourself to be open and embracing to your turning points of change. Inequalities will continue to find life balance with equality, and clarity of awareness will increase for you. 

The life energy leading up to Blue Full Moon may feel similar to how it feels when a body part becomes unpinched and wakes up from a numbness as it starts to come back to life. 

Have you felt unsettling sleep patterns lately? Have you recently been over tired? Wired? Hyper-wakeful? Understand you are energetically assimilating new energy coming forth for your life. Give yourself some deep, restful reflection time to embrace the restoration ready for you NOW. 

You may also experience some unexpected “out of the blue” gifts following the second full moon of July entering into August. 

Release, relinquish, and state a clear “Be Gone” to old karma that is now paid in full. 

Magnetize your new beginnings. Write it right (Antenna to God/Universe) with a simple spiritual ritual during the full moon. Let Miraculous Blue Full Moon Ritual help release long held karmic clearings. 

Welcome your new cycle with fresh new possibilities. 
Shine on ~