Reflections on Moon Beams & Heart Smiles

I want to share what you have meant to me. I want to thank you. I want to thank everyone of you. Truly from my heart to yours! Thank you. I spent the past several days working long hours putting together the reminders, the emails and so much of the behind the scene elements for the upcoming full moon content and teleseminars. A lot of outpouring I had been doing for several days, non-stop. It was around midnight, Saturday night and the super moon was shining so bright and magnificent through the glass sliding doors in my office. I sat on the floor silently soaking in radiant moon light. It was only a simple act of  looking up at the moon and a simple smile that stirred something deep in me.  My smile felt different. My smile felt deeply soulful, sweet and sincere. In that moment something came full circle for me. Since I have started sharing the spiritual practice of the Moon Rituals, all of you you have immediately embraced me. Thanked me. Encouraged me. Inspired me. Shared your stories with me in ways I know and ways only my heart does. I get blown away by the beauty of all of you. The worldwide embrace of 50+ countries. The honest humility of each of you, your dreams and intentions. It all came full circle to me as… I recalled something I wrote eight years ago.  Here is the verbatim excerpt from 2006: While I lived in a beautiful home, with the most incredible property, that to the outside world appeared to be a picture perfect life, there had...

You Are A Miracle

Form the intentions of the miraculous creations you would like to be in the experience of... by Anne Ribley, Writer - Inspiration Trails on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 You Are A Miracle! You were born a miracle You are STILL a miracle unfolding Always keep remembering the miracles you are worthy to receive, Starting right...

Open Up & Shine!

May you allow your brilliance to shine. Unfold. Open up. Reveal. It's all in you. Nurture and remember!Posted by Anne Ribley, Writer - Inspiration Trails on Thursday, April 17, 2014 Are you ready to open up and shine?   …and after the long hard rain, she opened up ~ To radiate all her beauty, that had always been there Perfectly designed and ready to...

Take Your Next Best Step

Want to lose weight? Just take your next best step! Want financial success? Guess what? Take your next best step. Want soulmate love? Walk towards it, take your next best step. Want to get more connected to your dreams? Take your next best step, get powerful insight with the show. Use the power of the full moon ritual to release and liberate yourself toward your dreams.