Rituals Shape Our Lives

The feedback for Empower11 Radio Show on “Rituals Shape Our Lives” has been overwhelmingly enthusiastic. The shows seems to have an ongoing residual effect, as each of us look at — how we can make a better personal alignment with the rituals that are shaping the design of our lives.

What Are We Projecting?

The last couple of years I have been in rigorous awareness to specifically observe the projections that I have been sending out to life. I began doing this because I realized what a source of suffering or strain that projections can create with ourselves, in our relationships, with our loved ones and the overall happiness in our lives. Projections are disguised in expectations, attachments, conditions or a confining life criteria that someone or something has to meet for us to live in our happiness. Our projections say we need to be in a different place in our life. Our projections say that someone else should be in a different place in their life. Our projections stew over how the past should have been different. Our projections say ‘that person’ needs to be different. Our projections of the future cause us to lean forward in life. Our projections of the past cause us to lean back in life. Projections paralyze the now from being empowered with congruent action as it displaces our power to be projected somewhere out there, backward in time or forward ~ pacing out of the current position of power. A source of strength comes from standing tall in our spiritual posture of the here and now.  I call this getting inside our own lives. What’s great about projection awareness? The healing of that energetic pattern happens naturally, you can see it happening almost instantly ~ therefore you naturally promote your own healing. Try this for liberation: List all your common projections currently creating suffering with yourself, loved ones, past events or situations, toss them in the fire...

Reclaim! Proclaim! Claim it!

Bestowed deep within your heart is a Divine Legacy, that is the life meant just for you. It is the life where you truly connect to your Greatness. It is a place where you harness your personal gifts and walk on the path of fulfillment that is unique to you. This direct path can lead to a life that will exceed your wildest dreams.

Intimacy, Intention and Dreams!

Source, God, the Creator, the Universal Loving Presence is a come closer energy. It’s not a push away energy. It’s a sweet whisper, that says and feels like… I am here!
It is a relationship with intimacy. INTO-ME-I-SEE. We crave intimacy. We yearn for intimacy. First with ourselves, then with our world through relationships, connection and purpose.
When there is an intimacy, communion and connection with our genuinely inspired dreams, we activate powerful energies of desires and intentions to come closer to us.