February Full Moon Ritual 2017

February Full Moon Ritual 2017

Miraculous Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Transformational Energy. February 10-11th 2017. Create Your Miraculous Full Moon Ritual. BOLD change is being called out now. (How to, click here: http://bit.ly/FullMoonRitual2017)

February is the energy eclipse season for transforming change. Both the Full Moon and the New Moon will be aligned with the energizing eclipse energy that invites incredible doorways of opportunity for transformation.

Change is clearly being called for all around, personally and collectively. No one is exempt from the call at this time. We feel it pulsating in our cells, the inward call of transforming change. We feel it in our bones. In the very structure of our being, we can own this change now more than ever

December 2016 New Moon

Last New Moon 2016 December 28/29th Manifesting New Moon Ritual ~ December 28/29th. This will be the last new moon of the year. Reflect. Breathe in thoroughly a year review. Inhale. Exhale. Expand. Connect. Dream. Give intention. Speak your prayer. Offer the light. Set your intentions. The 7 simple steps of the Manifesting New Moon Ritual. This New Moon is rich. A new cycle to fully embody the new chapters to be written. 2016 is closing out with a New Moon during a Mercury Retrograde period. This precise alignment beckons you in the deepest way to get clear. Get perfectly clear on what gifts and lessons you have received during 2016 and what new understandings you are taking into 2017 for your most needed transforming manifesting shift. Write it Right. Pen to paper (Antenna to God). Light your candle. This last new moon is a special one that I highly recommend you get your family (works miracles at any age) to join you. By reflecting on the year’s cycle of ending and beginning you energize your new year with a stronger clarity. To say 2016 has been an intense year of reflection and truth-rumbling is an understatement. You have been stretched. Expanded. Asked to believe in yourself in new ways. Asked to believe in others in new ways. Your path has been primed with your own initiation to empower an emergence for a completely new way of life for 2017. Are you willing to walk into the gifts that are ready to unfold for you? This New Moon brings in profound power of reflection to give 2016 closure and...
November New Moon 2016

November New Moon 2016

Manifesting New Moon Ritual ~ Tuesday, November 29th 2016 ~ (7 easy steps for the New Moon Ritual: goo.gl/leRp8H)
Refresh. Reset. Renew.
Enough of the dark and heavy shadow energy that has been looming for a long lingering cycle! It’s time to stretch into the meaningful and significant light of dreams and intentions. Let’s begin within each of our own hearts and souls.
Nourish your soul. Relax into the acceptance for where you are today, so that you may plant the seeds for what’s next in the grounded soil of your life.
Begin a new start. Look to the year ahead. What are you envisioning for yourself? Time to think bigger. Put plans into place. Expand the energy around areas that have been stuck by bringing out the light of deeper intention-based dreams.
3 Focus Steps for the November New Moon Ritual:

Super Full Moon November 2016

SUPER FULL Moon Ritual November 14th, 2016 It’s a “SUPER” Super Full Moon on Monday, November 14th. It will be big. Bold. Bright. It will be a chance to surrender whatever darkness is yours, theirs and the collective’s into the light. Energize your break-through with a Miraculous Full Moon Ritual.  Regardless of your age, culture, religion, socio-economic condition or worldly region, we are all going to be able to look up to a BIG, BRIGHT, BOLD LIGHT (a reminder, we are all connected and in this life together) over the next few days during the largest supermoon in 70 years. A lifetime phenomenon of power shining light so bright that it won’t be this big again until 2034. What makes it such a large supermoon? The moon is traveling so close to earth. Everything will be boosting stronger, including the ocean tides and the magnetic pull of the poles. We are all part of this connection. We are feeling it now and will continue to feel the pull inside us as we approach this natural wonderful event of nature. Let’s use this natural connecting reminder that nature gives us as a reflection of God’s light, Source energy, and the Universal Loving Presence that shines upon all of us. It’s time for relational healing, including how we relate to ourselves personally.  Can you be unconditionally loving to yourself?  Do you constantly berate yourself for not measuring up in some painful life area?  Can you fully accept yourself right now? We are in a time for relational transformation as well. Can you extend the healing needed into all your relationships, the relationships up close...
October 30th 2016 New Moon

October 30th 2016 New Moon

~ Manifesting New Moon on Sunday, October 30th ~ This weekend is perfect timing for a powerful reflection. As we close down one month and welcome another. We are cycling into a new seasonal time. Synchronize your soul to your personal manifesting season. (More on the New Moon Ritual here: http://goo.gl/leRp8H)
Ready to heal and transform some important life area?
The nature of you and the nature around you has answers for you to connect into — for you own connection and congruence. Authentic alignment. An exquisite energy expansion. Make your connection with the grace that wants to give to you. Use this synchronizing time to be included into your own magical manifesting possibilities.
“The wilderness had a clarity that included me.” – Cheryl Strayed
Take time to get clear on your manifesting intentions.
Creating Closure with New Creations.
You will naturally find past written chapters of your life ready to close as your consciousness and life connection opens you stronger to the new creations you know you need to take.
2. Reconnecting. Reclaiming. Receiving.
You are now reconnecting to something that has been ready and is activating for you. Time to reclaim the connection to what you are ready to receive. This is a very relevant time to “name it and claim it”.
3. Accelerating Intentions Into Reality.
You are in the process of accelerating your deeply desired intentions into real form. Your living reality. Make time to give attention to your intentions and what you want to manifest now will accelerate toward your reality.
Make your “write it right” list, antenna to God, pen to paper and also find the energy word that expresses and encompasses it. Allow your manifesting word to become the flag you set on your sacred ground for your personal cycle ahead.
Write some empowering statements on your “write it right” list:
My energizing word of manifesting intention for this cycle is______.
I give closure to ________.
I give attention to the new creation of __________.
I reclaim the repressed part of me ready to _________.
I am open to receive ____________.
Accelerating into reality to support my highest good is ___________.
Enter your personal season with deliberate attention to your intentions. Light your candle and declare fully “BeCome” to what’s in your heart. What is whispering from your soul? What is calling to you from your life?
May the love and light in you shine bright!

October 2016 Super Full Moon

October 2016 Super Full Moon

~ SUPER Full Moon, October 15th-16th ~ This weekend let the healing energy wave sweep over you to release, liberate and transform the unbreakable, tender truth your soul is ready to live! (5 Easy Steps to a Full Moon Ritual here: goo.gl/iSzvxy)